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alignment as the existing sidewalk, curb and gutter and shall construct City of San <br /> Leandro standard driveway approaches. <br /> G. The Developer is also responsible for ensuring that all contractors and <br /> subcontractors are aware of and implement all storm water quality measures per <br /> NPDES and Alameda County Clean Water Program. Failure to comply with the <br /> approved construction Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall result in the <br /> issuance of correction notices, citations and/or a project stop order. <br /> H. Applicant is required to obtain a grading permit prior to the issuance of the building <br /> permit. <br /> I. No construction materials and/or equipment shall be stockpiled or parked within the <br /> City right-of-way. <br /> J. Roof drains shall discharge to an unpaved area wherever practicable. <br /> K. The project shall include a roofed, or an enclosed area for dumpsters, recycling <br /> containers, compactors, and food waste containers. The area shall be designed to <br /> prevent water run-on to the area and runoff from the area and to contain litter and <br /> trash, so that it is not dispersed by the wind or runoff during waste removal. <br /> L. Loading docks shall be graded to minimize run-on to and runoff from the loading <br /> area [and/or be covered]. Roof downspouts shall be positioned to direct stormwater <br /> away from the loading area. Stormwater runoff from loading dock areas shall be <br /> drained to the sanitary sewer, or diverted and collected for ultimate discharge to the <br /> sanitary sewer or—Stormwater runoff from loading dock areas shall be connected to <br /> a post-construction stormwater treatment measure(s) prior to discharge to the storm <br /> drain system. <br /> M. Door skirts between the trailers and the building shall be installed to prevent <br /> exposure of loading activities to rain, unless one of the following conditions apply: <br /> the loading dock is covered, or the applicant demonstrates that rainfall will not result <br /> in an untreated discharge to the storm drain system. <br /> IV. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REQUIREMENTS <br /> A. The storage of hazardous materials in quantities equal to or greater than 55 <br /> gallons, 200 cubic feet or 500 pounds and generating any amount of hazardous <br /> waste requires submittal of a Hazardous Materials Business Plan(HMBP). HMBP <br /> submittal shall be completed via the Cal EPA CERS online database. Prior to <br /> issuance of a certificate of occupancy a HMBP shall be submitted to <br /> Environmental Services for the storage and use of planned hazardous materials <br /> and/or generation of hazardous waste. The plan is subject to the review and <br /> approval of Environmental Services. <br /> Agreement to Conditions August 12,2014 <br /> PLN2014-00019 Page 5 of 9 <br />