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DBW's sole discretion, DBW may offer an opportunity to cure any breach prior to terminating <br /> for default. <br /> 25. ASSIGNMENT <br /> This Agreement is not assignable by the Grantee, either in whole or in part, without the <br /> consent of the State in the form of a formal written amendment. <br /> 26. MATCHING REQUIREMENT <br /> a. Section 525(C) of the Harbors and Navigation Code states, "A grant awarded by the <br /> department pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be matched by a 10-percent contribution <br /> from the local agency receiving the grant." <br /> b. The 10-percent contribution is in addition to funds awarded in the grant. <br /> c. The burden of proof in complying with the 10-percent contribution requirement is the <br /> responsibility of the grantee. Grant funds will not be disbursed until the grantee has <br /> provided DBW with acceptable documentation that it complied with the 10-percent <br /> contribution requirement for each disbursement. <br /> 27. BUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS <br /> Invoicing and Payment <br /> a. DBW will reimburse the grantee for actual expenditures within the scope of the <br /> VTIP program upon written request by Grantee. <br /> b. Invoices from service providers and subcontractors to Grantee, submitted by <br /> Grantee to DBW for reimbursement, must contain the following: <br /> 1. Name and address of Grantee <br /> 2. Contract or invoice number <br /> 3. Description of service performed <br /> 4. Date the service was performed <br /> 5. Location of each service <br /> 6. Vessel name, CF# or HIN# <br /> c. Documents to submit with reimbursement claims: <br /> 7. Invoices from subcontractors to Grantee <br /> 8. Proof of payment by Grantee to subcontractors for services received <br /> 9. Statement of 10% match contribution with supporting verification of in- <br /> kind contribution: personnel hours, purpose or action, date provided, or <br /> other as requested by DBW. <br /> 10. Photos of vessels (if available) <br /> 11. Statement of Release completed and signed by owner(s) <br /> 12. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) documents: Certificate of <br /> Ownership signed by owner, or DMV Notice of Transfer and Release of <br /> Liability Form, completed and signed by owner(s) <br /> 9 <br /> . j <br />