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/h)Storm Sewer. Storm Sewer shall mean ower infrastructure thatwhich <br />carries storm and surface waters and drainage, but which and excludes sewage and <br />industrial waste. <br />/h�Storm Water. Storm Water shall mean any flow resulting from and <br />- during or fellowing any ferm of natural precipitation. <br />(bk) —Total Suspended Solids. Total Suspended Solids shall mean the total <br />mass or concentration of particles suspended ma«rcrthat ii^o+vc is on the surfaGe e <br />is s, �spenr e in, water, wastewater or other liquids that will not pass through a filter, <br />and which is romeyablo by laboratory filteririry (in the application of EPA testing <br />mod Method 160.2). <br />(bl) Toxic Pollutant Organics (TTO <br />307 (a) of the /fin+ or other appliGablo lo,,,, For Users subject to federal categorical <br />standards with defined TTO parameters, TTO shall be defined and applied per the <br />applicable categorical standard to determine compliance with the federal <br />standard. TTO standards for local limits compliance shall be the sum of those <br />parameters in the list of toxic pollutants found at 40 CFR 401.15 that are detected <br />at or above the Method Detection Limit at a value greater than 0.01 milligrams per <br />liter by EPA Methods 624 and 625. For Users that may have potential to <br />discharge additional toxic pollutants not specified herein, those additional <br />parameters may be included as provisions in individual permits. <br />(bm)User. User shall mean any person who contributes, causes or permits the <br />contribution of wastewater into the City sanitary sewer system. <br />(fn) -Waste. Waste shall mean domestic sewage and any and all other waste <br />substances, liquid, solid, gaseous, or radioactive associated with human habitation, or <br />human or animal origin, or from or related to any prod uG[Rgproduction, manufacturing, <br />or processing operation of whatever nature, including such waste placed within <br />containers of whatever nature prior to, and for the purpose of, disposal. <br />(be)—Wastewater. Wastewater shall mean waste and water, whether treated or <br />untreated. See Industrial Waste. <br />(bp)Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics. Wastewater Constituents <br />and Characteristics shall mean the individual chemical, physical, bacteriological and <br />radiological parameters, including volume and flow rate and such other parameters that <br />serve to define, classify or measure the contents, quality, quantity and strength of <br />wastewater. <br />(bq)Water Quality Requirements. Water Quality Requirements shall mean <br />11 <br />