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• Drafting the testimony for our two key witnesses, Mayor Cassidy and City Manager <br />Zapata, when the item was before the Senate and Assembly Local Government <br />Committees; <br />• Briefing the office of every Assembly and Senate committee member to explain why <br />the City of San Leandro and State need this bill, what the impact is, and what the City <br />is hoping to achieve; <br />• Testifying before the Assembly and Senate Appropriations committees; <br />• Working with the author, his office, the City, and Legislative leadership to successfully <br />move the bill out of the Assembly; <br />• Working with the Senate Governance and Finance committee members and staff to <br />successfully move the bill out of committee with bipartisan support; <br />• Working with Assembly Member Bonta and his office to secure Senator Padilla as the <br />legislator to manage the bill on the Senate Floor and successfully moving out of the <br />Senate Floor; and <br />• Partnering with Assembly Member Bonta, the Mayor, City leadership, and others to <br />advocate to the Governor and his staff to sign the bill into law. <br />• Those groups include California Library Association, California State Association of <br />Counties, Central Coast Broadband Consortium, City of Dublin, City of Oakland, San <br />Leandro Chamber of Commerce and IBEW Local 595. <br />• This bill was signed into law by Governor Brown on September 29, 2014. <br />2. Additionally, TPA provided immediate, direct, and extensive advocacy efforts on behalf of <br />the City of San Leandro regarding additional, specific legislation of interest to the City. <br />SB 962 (Leno) Smart Phones -Support <br />This bill, in an effort to curb cell phone theft, requires a `kill switch' on all smart phones sold <br />after July 2015 in the state of California. The goal of the legislation is to remove the profit <br />motive for those who would attempt to steal smart phones. Our efforts included working <br />closely with Senator Leno and his office, Assembly Member Skinner (the coauthor) and her <br />office, numerous public safety associations, consumer associations, and additional cities to <br />ensure this bill moved through both houses. Once the bill was on the Governor's desk, TPA <br />helped organize an intensive and focused letter writing campaign to the Governor outlining <br />the need for the bill. SB 962 was signed by Governor Brown in August. <br />AB 1147 (Bonilla) Massage Therapy -Support <br />As one of the top City legislative priorities, TPA was actively engaged on this legislative <br />initiative. This bill substantially revises the existing massage therapy law, incorporating <br />changes that were recommended as a result of the 2014 sunset review process. This bill <br />would revise, recast, and update multiple provisions of current law to give local <br />government's greater authority to regulate massage establishments and businesses while <br />creating a more robust statewide regulatory system for massage professionals. TPA <br />worked closely with Assembly Member Bonilla's office, the City of San Leandro, Assembly <br />Member Bonta's Office and the offices of Senator Hancock and Senator Corbett to ensure <br />massage parlor legislation was crafted with the City of San Leandro in mind. The bill was <br />signed into law by the Governor. <br />AB 1399 (Medina) California New Markets Tax — Support <br />This bill, as a means to stimulate economic growth in a post—Redevelopment Agency <br />(RDA) world, establishes the California New Markets Tax Credit Program with the stated <br />purpose of stimulating private sector investment in lower income communities. While <br />financial institutions routinely extend working capital and long-term debt to larger <br />businesses, smaller size businesses located in historically underserved areas are often <br />bypassed. AB 1399 creates a $200 million state New Markets Tax Credit Program for the <br />purpose of attracting federal New Market Tax Credit activities in order to stimulate <br />City of San Leandro 2014 State Legislative Summary Page 2 of 4 <br />