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with a greater focus on Road Usage Charges (RUC). The Senate Transportation <br />Committee is developing guidelines for the development and implementation of a pilot <br />program to study the potential for RUC as an alternative to the gas tax. <br />• Infrastructure Financing Districts (IFDs). Support legislation that provides greater <br />flexibility for local agencies to create enhanced infrastructure financing districts (EIFDs) to <br />finance specified infrastructure projects and facilities. <br />• Broadband infrastructure. Support legislation or funding opportunities that would expand <br />public and private access to broadband, including the development of related infrastructure. <br />• Shoreline development. Support legislative efforts or funding opportunities that would <br />assist in the successful redevelopment of San Leandro's shoreline area. <br />• Use of state highways. Support efforts that would facilitate the use of overweight trucks to <br />transport goods from local San Leandro businesses to and from the Port of Oakland on <br />routes that utilize state highways. <br />• Transfer of state urban highways. Support efforts to create a streamlined process for the <br />transfer of state urban highways to local agencies. East 14th Street and Davis Street are <br />presently designated state highways; however, the current mechanism that would facilitate <br />the transfer of these highways to the City does not provide sufficient financial commitments <br />from the state prior to any transfer. Support efforts that would allow the state to reconstruct <br />both roadways in advance of any transfer of rights-of-way to the City of San Leandro. <br />• Disaster prevention and recovery. Seek additional funding, and expand the definition of <br />programs eligible for grant funding, for disaster recovery and prevention. <br />2. State Legislative Priorities for Monitoring and Recommended Action <br />Monitor legislative activity and/or or advocate on behalf of the City of San Leandro's interests in <br />the following areas: <br />Public Safety <br />o This includes policy topics such as disaster preparedness, proposals to <br />provide local law enforcement with additional support, support for <br />initiatives that support school resource officers or joint use efforts with <br />cities for public safety, e -cigarettes and associated restrictions, funding <br />for state mandates, prevention and intervention funding for at -risk youth, <br />and other such topics. <br />Transportation <br />o This includes policy topics such as goods movement, safe routes to <br />school funding, local road repair, regional transportation funds, and other <br />related topics. <br />Economic Development <br />o This includes policy topics such as redevelopment dissolution, measures <br />providing for new tax increment financing opportunities, infrastructure <br />financing districts, efforts to encourage local job creation, and related <br />topics. <br />Infrastructure <br />o This includes policy topics such as funding for roads, sewers, storm <br />drains, and other Engineering and Public Works responsibilities. <br />• Housing and Land Use <br />City of City of San Leandro 2015 State Legislative Platform and Policy Guidelines Page 3 of 5 <br />