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File Number: 14-497 <br />restaurants, entertainment venues, and offices;" and <br />WHEREAS, the City is currently in the process of updating the General Plan, which is <br />expected to be completed in Spring, 2016. The City anticipates incorporating key themes and <br />issues from the Specific Plan into the updated General Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2006, the California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") awarded <br />BART a Community -Based Transportation grant to conduct a station area study of the Bay <br />Fair BART Station. BART, the City, Alameda County, Caltrans, Alameda -Contra Costa <br />Transit District and Madison Marquette cooperated on a community oriented process to create <br />the Bay Fair BART Station Transit -Oriented Development and Access Plan ("TOD and Access <br />Plan"), which was completed in March 2007; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2008, BART received a Regional Measure 2 Safe Routes to Transit <br />("SR27) grant from MTC to create a plan focusing on improving personal safety and security <br />in and around the Bay Fair BART Station ("SR2T Plan"). The SR2T Plan was completed in <br />2009. It recommended and prioritized capital projects for both short-term and long-term <br />implementation, with some improvements to be incorporated in future development. Several <br />recommendations in the SR2T Plan have been implemented; and <br />WHEREAS, the general objectives identified for this Specific Plan are to: articulate and <br />quantify the future potential of the Bay Fair Transit Village area to transform it into a vibrant <br />TOD area; develop comprehensive land use policies with a detailed land use map and <br />circulation and access plan; enhance greater connectivity to the Bay Fair BART Station and <br />nearby Alameda -Contra Costa Transit District stops; complete a detailed analysis of selected <br />opportunity sites to provide more specific guidance for future development; develop a program <br />for implementing the land use policies such as supportive zoning changes, development <br />standards, design guidelines, parking strategies, a marketing program, and other viable <br />development incentives; identify priorities for public transit, bicycle and pedestrian <br />enhancements as well as necessary roadway, parking and streetscape improvements to <br />support and attract public and private investment; and <br />WHEREAS, the updated General Plan, TOD and Access Plan, and the SR2T Plan will <br />be taken into consideration in the preparation of the Specific Plan. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />1. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into, execute, and <br />deliver the MTC Funding Agreement (the "Agreement"), for the PDA Grant in the amount of <br />$440,000, and any and all other documents required or deemed necessary or appropriate to <br />secure the PDA Grant, and all amendments thereto; and <br />2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an MOU with <br />BART, MM, and Alameda County to coordinate towards the successful implementation of the <br />Specific Plan pursuant to the PDA Grant. A copy of the MOU is attached as Exhibit A; and <br />3. That the City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to execute the Agreement <br />for the PDA Grant and authorized to execute the MOU, contingent upon the City Attorney's <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 1112512014 <br />