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<br />San Leandro Homeless & Housing Task Force 6 <br /> <br />One of the biggest causes of homelessness for women is domestic violence. In many <br />cities, domestic violence is one of the top three violent crimes the community faces. To <br />meet this need in San Leandro, the agency operates a 20-bed domestic violence <br />shelter, a domestic violence outreach and education program, and domestic violence <br />services at the San Leandro Shelter. Building Futures is asking the City of San Leandro <br />to commit more resources to address the domestic violence and the ripple effect of <br />damage and loss it creates in families, businesses, and communities. <br /> <br /> <br />Davis Street Family Resource Center (Davis Street) <br />Davis Street’s Basic Needs Program provides groceries, clothing and toiletries, health <br />services including medical and dental care and counseling, employment services, <br />transportation, childcare, and case management to its clients. Davis Street has a long <br />history of providing critical safety net services to the community, including homeless, <br />working poor, underemployed and newly unemployed individuals and families. <br /> <br />Davis Street defines “homelessness” as anyone who is unsheltered: including those <br />living in the street, in a shelter, in their car, couch surfing, or living doubled or tripled up. <br />At intake, Davis Street clients can self-identify themselves as homeless. If they are self- <br />identified as homeless, Davis Street staff inquires what their living situation is. Staff <br />also asks clients if they have cooking facilities and refrigeration so they can determine <br />what type of food to provide the clients. <br /> <br />From July through September 2014, Davis Street assisted 99 individuals who identified <br />themselves as homeless. <br /> <br />The need for more housing resources, and more importantly, monetary assistance is a <br />critical service gap for Davis Street. Davis Street staff report that many families who are <br />homeless or at risk of becoming homeless could be assisted with emergency rental <br />and/or rental deposit assistance. <br /> <br /> <br />Interfaith Homeless Network (IHN)/April Showers (April Showers) <br />April Showers provides hot lunch or bag lunch, clothing and toiletries, barber services, <br />and hot showers on the first, third and fifth Sundays of each month. <br /> <br />April Showers defines “homelessness” as a self-identified state. The information about <br />an individual’s state of “living” is neither requested nor required for services. In general <br />terms, without using a definition for services, April Showers defines homeless as not <br />having regular access to a space which provides room for sleeping, bathing, cooking, <br />storage of personal belongings and access to a toilet. <br /> <br />April Showers typically conducts an every-other year survey at an events. Participation <br />is voluntary, and all information collected by April Showers staff is provided by <br />individuals without back-up documentation as staff does not require proof of <br />identification or any other sensitive information such as social security numbers.