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<br />San Leandro Homeless & Housing Task Force 4 <br /> <br />MISSION OF THE TASK FORCE <br /> <br />The mission of the San Leandro Homeless & Housing Task Force is to develop a short <br />term plan, by acting a catalyst and leadership resource, to bring the community together <br />to promote affordable housing, end homelessness, and improve the situation of those <br />who are homeless. <br /> <br />In pursuit of this mission, the Task Force will: <br /> <br />Determine need, existing services and services gaps for homeless and those in <br />housing crisis; <br />Identify resources to support development of an implementation plan; <br />Ensure stakeholder involvement; and, <br /> Develop timeline and identify next steps to achieve mission. <br /> <br /> <br />HOMELESS NEEDS ASSESSMENT <br /> <br />The Task Force acknowledged that their first task was to complete a Homeless Needs <br />Assessment for San Leandro as currently there is no central agency in San Leandro <br />that identifies and tracks the homeless population in the City. To have an effective <br />response to homelessness and to garner support for the Task Force’s <br />recommendations for financial assistance and resources, it is imperative to quantify the <br />severity of the homelessness issue in the City. The Task Force completed the following <br />draft Homeless Needs Assessment for San Leandro. The draft includes a description of <br />the methodology for collecting data and data available for the eight organizations which <br />track the individuals they serve. Each organization was also asked to identify the <br />existing services they provide and provide input on the critical service gaps for <br />homeless individuals. <br /> <br />Building Futures with Women & Children, Davis Street Family Resource Center, and <br />Interfaith Homeless Network/April Showers are the prominent agencies that provide <br />social services to homeless persons. Alameda County HCD, the San Leandro and San <br />Lorenzo Unified School Districts, St. Leander Church, and San Leandro Hospital also <br />provide services to homeless individuals. Each of these agencies implements its own <br />intake process to track the homeless persons they serve. Consequently, each agency <br />has its own assessment based on its own respective methodology. A description of the <br />methodology and data available from each organization follows: <br /> <br /> <br />Building Futures with Women & Children (Building Futures) <br />The agency’s 30-bed San Leandro Shelter and 20-bed Sister Me Home Safe House <br />provide shelter for homeless women and children while providing case management <br />and other support services to assist in resolving housing barriers and finding permanent