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d'' 9 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: March 31, 2014 <br />TO; Keith Cooke, Principal Engineer <br />Nicole Noronha Castelino, Associate Engineer <br />FROM: Elmer Penaranda, Senior Planner %w <br />G' <br />SUBJECT: City Planner's Report on Parcel Map 10236 for 274 Kenilworth Avenue; K. W. Lau <br />(Property Owner); B. Pierce, TransAmerican Engineers (Civil Engineer). <br />INTRODUCTION <br />Pursuant to Title VTI, of Chapter I of the San Leandro Municipal Code, please accept this as the City <br />Planner's Report on Parcel Map 10236 for 274 Kenilworth Avenue. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject site encompasses 9,600 square feet (0.22 acre). The front of the lot, which is developed <br />with a single-family home, is located on the east side of Kenilworth Avenue, between Victoria <br />Avenue to the south and Durant Avenue to the north. The back of this double frontage lot is located <br />on Myers Court. The adjacent properties on all sides are developed with single-family homes. <br />The property owner proposes to subdivide the 9,600 square foot lot into two smaller lots to: 4,600and <br />5,000 square feet. The existing lot is substandard in terms of lot width (48 feet wide where 50 is the <br />minimum width required) thus the resulting lots would also be substandard in terms of width. The <br />proposed subdivision would create two lots where the Kenilworth lot would be substandard in terrns <br />of site area (4,600 square feet where 5,000 square feet is the minimum required); the Myers Court lot <br />would meet the minimum area requirement. <br />On February 6, 2014, after duly conducting a public hearing the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) <br />approved Planning application, PLN2013-00061, a Variance to subdivide the through -lot into two <br />separate parcels. The Variance granted a parcel fronting Kenilworth Avenue compromising 4,600 <br />square feet (48 feet wide by 95 feet, two inches deep; the existing single-family home will be retained <br />on this lot) and a parcel fronting on Myers Court comprising a 5,000 square feet (48 feet wide by 104 <br />feet, 10 inches deep; in the future, the parcel on Myers Court will be developed with a new two-story, <br />single-family residence.). At its February 6 meeting the BZA also approved the Site Plan Review that <br />permits construction of the new single-family residence. <br />DETAILS OF PROPOSAL <br />Parcel Map 10236 proposes to subdivide the single lot into two parcels described above, per the <br />Variance approval by the BZA. <br />