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Plans for the Future —A "Connected" City <br /> The next phase of San Leandro's Smart City Initiative is to fully utilize"the internet of things", expanding <br /> wi-fi access, using sensors and open data to increase engagement <br /> with community stakeholders, and continuing to expand connections <br /> enabled by LitSL. San Leandro is becoming a model for innovation <br /> and responsiveness, focused on the following initiatives: <br /> Addressing the Digital Divide <br /> San Leandro's main library is connected to LitSL, providing ' <br /> fast internet connectivity for community residents with limited y <br /> access. The City is preparing to launch free City-wide wi-fi <br /> with the installation of its first Downtown access point. <br /> Providing fast and free public internet access represents a significant milestone in our efforts to <br /> enable a level digital playing field for all San Leandro stakeholders. <br /> Innovation in Education <br /> The City is partnering with San Leandro Unified School District to link each of its facilities to a <br /> dedicated, City-owned 10 gbps fiber optic internet connection. These fast connections will enable <br /> students, parents teachers and other education stakeholders to realize new ways of learning; with <br /> access to endless research opportunities and increased collaboration, communication, connections; <br /> ability to discover, create, design and build; and improve research tools for the next step, whether <br /> college, internships, jobs. <br /> Smart Traffic Control and Parking <br /> San Leandro already has made use of a fiber optic backbone to monitor traffic patterns, maximize <br /> the efficiency of traffic signals, and review accident data to improve traffic safety. The next stage is <br /> to acquire and implement an adaptive traffic control system that continuously monitors, learns, <br /> predicts, and responds to traffic demands and conditions with optimal signal timing for prevailing <br /> conditions. Implementation of an advanced parking management system with new meters, sensors <br /> and demand-responsive pricing will make it easier to find parking in our fast-growing City. <br /> Emergency Preparedness <br /> By increasing the ability of the Police and Fire Departments to access data quickly and <br /> communicate with regional agencies and health facilities, San Leandro will be far better prepared <br /> to respond to an emergency or natural disaster. The Smart City initiative also includes the <br /> installation of a dedicated public safety Wi-Fi network to ensure that first responders are always <br /> connected. <br /> Funding Request <br /> San Leandro already has leveraged $15 million in public and private funds to develop a fiber network and <br /> the first stages of the Smart City Initiative. To move to the next phase, the City estimates that another $5 <br /> million will be required to implement City-wide wi-fi for the community and public safety, smart traffic and <br /> parking systems, and to support an effective open data portal. <br /> OE SflN<F9 <br /> 9 <br /> OHPOP111C0`9 <br />