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File Number: 14-410 <br />Cities eligible for streamlined review must have a previously certified Housing Element and <br />meet specific criteria related to State housing law. These include adoption of reasonable <br />accommodation procedures for disabled persons, definitions of transitional and supportive <br />housing which comply with State law, compliance with SB 2 (allowing homeless shelters), <br />adoption of density bonus provisions that comply with State law, and completion of any <br />rezoning needed to meet regional housing needs. San Leandro meets all of these criteria and <br />is therefore using the streamlined approach. <br />Streamlining requires that the City submit a "clean" copy of the Housing Element and a <br />"tracked change" copy indicating the changes (additions, deletions) to the existing Housing <br />Element. A streamlining "template" also must be completed to indicate where changes to the <br />previous document were made. The City must also provide a "completeness checklist" to <br />facilitate HCD review. <br />One of the outcomes of the streamlining approach is that the City has used its existing <br />Housing Element goals, policies, and actions as the foundation for its new 2015 - 2023 <br />housing goals, policies, and actions. At the October 6 meeting, the presentation and <br />discussion will focus on changes to existing policies and programs (including new programs) <br />rather than a recap of policies and programs that are already adopted and not changing. The <br />new policies and programs reflect feedback from the Planning Commission, other City <br />commissions, housing professionals and advocates, and the community at large. Public input <br />has been critical in shaping these edits. <br />Summary of Chapters <br />The Housing Element includes seven chapters. Highlights are provided below: <br />Chapter 1 - Introduction This chapter describes the relationship of the Housing Element to <br />the rest of the General Plan, lays out the legal basis for the Housing Element, and explains <br />the regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) process. It also summarizes the community <br />participation process used to develop the Housing Element. <br />Chapter 2 - Evaluation of the 2010 Housing Element The chapter begins with a description of <br />San Leandro and the administration of its housing programs. It describes housing production <br />in San Leandro over the last seven years. The chapter then reviews each goal, policy, and <br />action in the existing Housing Element and describes the progress that has been made in <br />implementation. For each item, the text indicates whether the policy or program should be <br />carried forward, revised, or deleted. <br />Chapter 3 - Needs Assessment Highlights from this chapter were covered at a June 2014 <br />City Council meeting. This chapter provides the most up-to-date data available on the <br />characteristics of San Leandro's population, including age, household type, household size, <br />language and ethnicity, tenure, income, percent of income spent on housing, employment, <br />and overcrowding. It also profiles the special housing needs of seniors, persons with <br />disabilities, large families, single parents, extremely low income households, and homeless <br />persons. The chapter also provides a profile of the city's housing stock and discusses energy <br />conservation and the extent of units "at risk" of converting from subsidized to market rate <br />rents. The chapter concludes with projections for the next eight years. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 9130/2014 <br />