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File Number: 15-001 <br />Highlights of the Draft Housing Element <br />The City Council previously convened a study session and a public hearing to discuss the <br />changes between the previous (2007-2014) Housing Element and the proposed 2015-2023 <br />Housing Element. A short summary of the changes reviewed at those meetings is provided <br />below: <br />• The "Evaluation of the Prior Housing Element" in the prior Housing Element, which <br />focused on achievements in 1999-2006, has been replaced with an evaluation of <br />achievements during 2007-2014. <br />• The "Needs Assessment" in the prior Housing Element has been updated to include <br />current Census data, current data on the housing market and housing conditions, updated <br />information on special needs populations and at -risk housing, and new population <br />projections for the city. The updated section also removes references to the <br />Redevelopment Agency. <br />• The "Sites Inventory" in the prior Housing Element has been updated to remove sites that <br />have been developed or committed to other uses and to add sites that have become <br />available during the last 5 years. The discussion demonstrates adequate capacity to meet <br />the RHNA. <br />• The "Constraints Analysis" in the prior Housing Element has been updated to reflect <br />current information on zoning, fees, development processing requirements, and <br />non -regulatory constraints such as the cost of land and construction. <br />• The "Goals, Actions, and Policies" in the prior Housing Element have been revised to <br />incorporate the latest RHNA targets, eliminate actions that have been completed, and add <br />new actions based on new State laws, current conditions, the findings of the first five <br />chapters, and public input. The October 6, 2014 City Council staff report included a <br />detailed list of the new or edited policies and actions (see Attachment 1). Notable changes <br />to the "Goals, Actions, and Policies" in the updated Housing Element include: <br />o Adding Bay Fair Transit Oriented Development (TOD) study and Shoreline <br />Development Plan as current planning initiatives <br />o Adding a nexus study to assess affordable housing impact fees and inclusionary <br />housing regulations <br />o Adding stronger support for new market rate housing including roundtables, tours, and <br />developer forums <br />o Reviewing feasibility of using future boomerang funds, former redevelopment dollars, <br />for housing (currently 29% to Housing) <br />o Seeking new public funding sources to restore programs (e.g., first time homebuyer <br />loan program) cut after the elimination of redevelopment funding <br />o Adding a "healthy homes" initiative <br />o Adding public health as a neighborhood design consideration <br />o Exploring the inclusion of third party utility charges as rent increase under the Rent <br />Review Board Program <br />o Monitoring displacement and risks to lower income tenants <br />o Creating a homeless task force <br />o Deleting certain provisions in 2010 Element relating to increasing zoning densities on <br />E. 14th St. in the North Area <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 1113/2015 <br />