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File Number: 14-577 <br />Details of the Project <br />As a part of a public/private partnership, the City of San Leandro and Cal -Coast propose to <br />redevelop the 52 -acre site land area (owned by the City) and 23 -acre water area (owned by <br />the City), which encompasses the San Leandro Marina and surrounding properties, with <br />residential, commercial, and public recreational uses. Implementation of the Project would <br />involve the removal of some of the structures on the site including the existing EI Torito <br />restaurant building, the Mulford Branch Library building, and the San Leandro Yacht Club <br />building. For the purpose of the environmental analysis, it is being assumed that the harbor <br />master's office, fuel pump/dock, and the 462 existing boat slips in the harbor basin would <br />eventually be removed at such time as safe and navigable boating operations cease to exist. <br />Additionally, five of the tees/holes on the nine -hole Marina Golf Course would need to be <br />reconfigured in order to accommodate the housing that is proposed to be built on the grounds <br />of the course; however, no tees/holes would be removed as part of the Project. The existing <br />Marina Inn building and the Horatio's restaurant building on the site would remain. <br />New features proposed on the site as a result of the Project include an approximately <br />150,000 -square -foot office campus, a new 200 -room hotel, an approximately <br />15,000 -square -foot conference center, 354 housing units, three new restaurants totaling <br />approximately 21,000 square feet, and a new parking structure. A variety of public amenities <br />would be installed. Some of these amenities include a new approximately 2,500 -square -foot <br />community library/community meeting space, an aquatic center/dock, bocce ball courts, <br />outdoor recreational areas, picnic areas, a perched beach, pedestrian piers, two miles of <br />public promenade, a natural shoreline element along the interior of the harbor basin, a <br />pedestrian/bicycle bridge, a boardwalk/lookout pier, several small finger piers, and <br />refurbishment of existing public restrooms on site. Additionally, with implementation of the <br />Project and removal of the existing boat slips, the basin would only be open to non -motorized <br />watercraft. For this reason, the Project includes the construction of a small boat launch, a <br />kayak storage building, and an aeration fountain in the harbor basin to aid in water circulation. <br />Please refer to the Draft EIR document for a complete Project Description (Chapter 3.) <br />SCOPE OF THE Draft EIR <br />The Draft EIR assesses the impacts of the San Leandro Shoreline Development Project at a <br />detailed, project -specific level. <br />The following environmental topics are addressed in the Draft EIR: <br />• Aesthetics <br />• Air Quality <br />• Biological Resources <br />• Geology, Soils and Seismicity <br />• Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />• Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />• Hydrology and Water Quality <br />• Land Use and Planning <br />• Noise <br />• Population and Housing <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 1120/2015 <br />