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2A Work Session 2015 0126
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Packet 2015 0126
2A Work Session 2015 0126
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File Number: 14-577 <br />• Public Services and Recreation <br />• Transportation and Traffic <br />• Utilities and Service Systems <br />SIGNIFICANT and unavoidable IMPACTS IDENTIFIED IN THE DRAFT EIR <br />All impacts and mitigation measures identified in the Draft EIR are summarized in Section 1.6 <br />of Chapter 1, Executive Summary, in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 also provides a conclusion as to <br />the level of significance of the impact after recommended mitigation measures are <br />implemented. Other than the impacts discussed below, all of the environmental effects of the <br />project can be reduced to less than significant levels through implementation of <br />recommended mitigation measures. <br />Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />GHG-1. Significant. While mitigation measures have been identified to reduce greenhouse <br />gas (GHG) emissions, such as providing electric vehicle charging stations, requiring <br />installation of energy efficient appliances, and requiring employee trip commute reduction <br />programs, to name a few, GHG emissions would continue to exceed the Bay Area Air <br />Quality Management District (BAAQMD) regional significance thresholds; therefore, this <br />impact would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />GHG-3. Significant. Implementation of the Project would directly or indirectly generate <br />GHG emissions that may have a cumulatively considerable impact on the environment. <br />Although Mitigation Measures GHG-1A through GHG-1 F would reduce GHG emissions to <br />the extent practicable, emissions would continue to exceed the BAAQMD regional <br />significance thresholds; therefore, the cumulative impact would remain significant and <br />unavoidable. <br />Noise <br />NOISE -2. Significant. During construction, grading, and demolition activities that would use <br />vibration -intense equipment such as pile driving, rock blasting, and vibratory rollers that <br />would occur within 250 feet of existing residential, commercial, libraries, and hotel <br />buildings, control measures would be implemented, such as considering alternative <br />construction methods to reduce and/or minimize vibratory construction equipment where <br />feasible, restricting vibration -intense construction activities to certain times, and inspection <br />of structural components of existing structures prior to the use of vibratory equipment. <br />However, it is unknown at this point if implementation of these measures would be feasible <br />and if they would provide enough reduction to mitigate levels below thresholds. Therefore, <br />this impact would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />NOISE -3. Significant. The proposed single- and multi -family residential uses along Marina <br />Boulevard west of Aurora Drive would experience a noise increase of 4.1 dBA for future <br />scenarios due to Project -related traffic. According to San Leandro General Plan Policies <br />35.03 and 35.04, the noise level increase at residential uses along this segment would be <br />considered a significant impact. Potential mitigation measures included the construction of <br />noise barriers along this road, or resurfacing this segment with rubberized asphalt; <br />however, the construction of noise barriers along this road are not feasible as the <br />residential areas front and access Marina Boulevard. Additionally, rubberized asphalt is <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 1120/2015 <br />
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