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File Number: 14-577 <br />substandard LOS F operations at the intersection of San Leandro Boulevard and Marina <br />Boulevard (#18) and cause the V/C ratio to increase by 0.07 in the AM peak hour and 0.10 <br />in the PM peak hour. Although Mitigation Measures TRAF-7C.1 and 7C.2 would reduce <br />the V/C ratios to a less -than -significant level by adding a northbound left -turn lane on San <br />Leandro Boulevard and restriping lanes on the west leg to provide two corresponding <br />receiving lanes, the available right-of-way would not be sufficient to accommodate the <br />necessary northbound travel and bike lanes; <br />unavoidable impact. <br />Alternatives <br />therefore, this would remain a significant and <br />The Draft EIR analyzes alternatives to the Project that are designed to reduce the significant <br />environmental impacts of the Project and feasibly attain most of the Project objectives. The <br />following alternatives to the Project were considered and analyzed in detail: <br />• No Project <br />• Relocated Hotel Alternative <br />• Reduced Density/Intensity Alternative <br />Chapter 6, Alternatives to the Project, includes a complete discussion of these alternatives <br />and of alternatives that were rejected for various reasons. <br />No Project Alternative <br />Consistent with Section 15126.6 (e) (2) of the CEQA Guidelines, under the No Project <br />Alternative, the Project site would remain in its existing condition. Although existing land use <br />designations and zoning would allow for some future development under existing conditions, <br />under this alternative, the Project site would not be further developed. Further, improvements <br />proposed by the Project, such as removing the marina infrastructure, adding new housing <br />units, new restaurants, commercial and retail uses, a new parking structure, and public <br />amenities, including a community library, aquatic center, and enhanced shoreline access, <br />would not occur. <br />Relocated Hotel Alternative <br />Under the Relocated Hotel Alternative, the proposed hotel would be relocated from its <br />proposed location at the end of Mulford Point Drive. Potential locations that could <br />accommodate the hotel include: the parking lot along Pescador Point Drive, which is <br />southeast of the current proposed location; the parking lot along Mulford Point Drive, which is <br />directly adjacent to the northeast of the proposed location; and on the corner of Monarch <br />Point Drive and Monarch Bay Drive. Under this alternative, all other components, such as <br />square footage, residential units, hotel rooms, and other development, of the Project would <br />remain the same. <br />Reduced Density/Intensity Alternative <br />Under the Reduced Density/Intensity Alternative, Project components, such as square <br />footage, residential units, and hotel rooms would be reduced by 25 percent over what is <br />proposed under the Project. <br />City of San Leandro Page 6 Printed on 1/20/2015 <br />