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File Number: 15-025 <br />(CC&Rs) as part of the Parcel Map application. The CC&Rs will contain language specifying <br />the future property owners' responsibilities as a homeowner's association in maintaining the <br />paved driveway and uncovered parking areas. In addition, the CC&Rs would include the <br />property owners' individual responsibilities in maintaining their respective yards free of clutter <br />and requiring the parking spaces be available for vehicle parking. <br />Analysis <br />The Planning Commission and staff find the density of the development would be comparable <br />to the existing immediate neighborhood. The proposed residential use protects the character <br />of the surrounding area by providing a compatible density. The detached placement of the <br />homes and the massing of structures are in the context and within the range of the <br />surrounding development. In addition, the development is near transit corridors on East 14th <br />Street and Bancroft Avenue. It is also in close walking proximity to the City's downtown area <br />and its many services and shops. <br />Previous Actions <br />In November 2005, the proposed development plan for the subject property was for three <br />duplexes, totaling six residential units. At that time the immediate neighbors expressed <br />concern about the density having too many units. Also at that time, staff had concerns that the <br />architectural design was not compatible and did not blend in with the architectural context of <br />the existing neighborhood which is American Foursquare, Craftsman, Victorian Queen Anne, <br />small Spanish/Mediterranean and small ranch -style homes. <br />Nine years later, the developer has revised the proposed development plans to a lesser <br />density and the architectural exterior design was enhanced. As a result, the project has been <br />well received by the neighbors and some have provided their support of the plans. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The General Plan Land Use Map designates the subject property as Low Density Residential. <br />This designation is intended for detached single-family homes and is characterized by lots <br />with 5,000 square feet. This is the predominant residential development type in San Leandro <br />and includes most neighborhoods developed between 1925 and 1990. Overall densities range <br />from 3-6 units per gross acre (up to approximately nine (9) units per net acre). The proposed <br />four units on the 0.44 net acre equals nine (9) units per net acre. In this case, the proposed <br />development conforms to the density specified by the General Plan. <br />In addition, the proposal will attain the following General Plan policies, related to the supply <br />and upkeep of the City's housing stock. <br />Policy 2.05 - Alterations, Additions and In -Fill Ensure that alterations, additions and <br />infill development are compatible with existing homes and maintain aesthetically <br />pleasing neighborhoods. <br />• Policy 3.01 - Mix of Unit Types Encourage a mix of residential development types in <br />the City, including single-family homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, <br />row houses, live -work units, planned unit developments, and multi -family housing. <br />• Policy 3.04 - Promotion of Infill Encourage infill development on vacant or <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 1127/2015 <br />