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Unclassified <br />Acknowledgments <br />This publication is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce this publication in whole or in part is granted. While <br />permission to reprint is not necessary, the citation should be: Blair, J. Pete, and Schweit, Katherine W. (2014). A Study of <br />Active Shooter Incidents, 2000 - 2013. Texas State University and Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of <br />Justice, Washington D.C. 2014. <br />Special Acknowledgments are extended to several individuals who provided research and editing assistance. Particular <br />appreciation is extended to the primary research team of Lieutenant Commander David Knoff of the California Highway <br />Patrol, Deputy Dennis Jahnke of the Hennepin County (Minnesota) Sheriffs Office, FBI Honors Intern Jessica Seay, and <br />FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Deborah Cryan. M. Hunter Martaindale, M.S., of the Advanced Law Enforcement <br />Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University-(TXST) provided critical analysis as part of the primary research <br />team, contributing input that assisted the team in understanding the purposes and research parameters used in a previously <br />published active shooter study released by TXST. In addition, the following employees of the FBI are recognized for their <br />research assistance: LaTasha Houston, Della Mays -Prince, Alvin Thibodeaux, Stephanie Preshlock, and Kerry Riley. Appre- <br />ciation also is extended to FBI employees Kathryn Crotts and Brian Jackson, and to Jeffrey R. McCrehan and Andrew C. <br />Ames for their final editing expertise. <br />Unclassified <br />TEXAS <br />STATE <br />UNIVERSITY <br />Tlie �i.rinR STpR ojT[xeu <br />