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October 20, 2014 <br />Eric Engelbart <br />Assistant to the City Manager <br />San Leandro City Manager's Office <br />SUBJECT: Request for Modification to ICF Contract - Consultant to Develop and Manage the <br />Process to Select a Single Medical Cannabis Dispensary <br />Dear Mr. Engelbart: <br />ICF Resources, L.L.C. (hereafter referred to as "ICF") respectfully requests a modification to the above - <br />referenced contract to continue our support on San Leandro's application and evaluation process to <br />select a single medical cannabis dispensary. Our request, which is based on previous phone conversations <br />with you, is explained in detail below. <br />As with many mission critical projects, ICF and the City's planned approaches, assumptions, and <br />expected scope developed during the proposal stage have not always remained consistent with the <br />project needs discovered during implementation. Throughout this effort, ICF has been responsive to the <br />priorities of the project and the City's objectives, as these have continued to evolve. To that end, ICF has <br />provided a higher level of support than was originally scoped and budgeted for in our June 16, 2014 <br />proposal. In addition, the City has identified and requested support for additional services planned for a <br />later phase of the effort that were not included in the original scope of work. <br />ICF has identified three primary areas where the work required was well above that proposed originally. <br />These areas include: <br />Volume of pre -qualification applications: <br />• ICF's proposal assumed a lower volume of application review, both for the pre -qualification and <br />RFP than the City expects to receive, thus, additional ICF resources will be needed to provide <br />thorough application review of the anticipated pre -qualification and RFP applications. ICF's <br />proposal assumed 10 pre -qualification applications would be received; however the City <br />anticipates getting upwards of 50 applications. Due to the larger volume of pre -qualifications, <br />the revised application process now includes review of 10 instead of 5 RFP applications. <br />Expanded meeting support: <br />• ICF's proposal assumed meeting support and attendance at two (2) City Council meetings. As <br />the project has evolved, the City has requested that ICF also facilitate three (3) additional <br />teleconferences, including meetings with the City Stakeholders to discuss feedback after the <br />pre -qualification review, application review and interview review. <br />Interview process support: <br />• The City has requested that the application evaluation process include an applicant interview <br />process as the last review round prior to recommendation. This step was not included as part of <br />the original scope of work. Additional ICF support will be needed to prepare Staff Stakeholders <br />for these interviews. <br />100 Cambridgepark Drive, Suite 500 — Cambridge MA 02140 617.250.4200 617.250.4261 fax <br />