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File Number: 15-033 <br />DISCUSSION <br />The adopted budget incorporates the estimated revenues and planned expenditures for all <br />funds. The attached 2014-15 Mid -Year Financial Report as of December 31, 2014 provides <br />the revenue and expenditure summary for the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, <br />Enterprise Funds, and Internal Service Funds. The following discussion focuses on variances <br />from the revenue and expenditure plans and allocations contemplated in the budgets. <br />General Fund <br />The General Fund finances the operations of the City that have no special or dedicated <br />revenue sources and pays for basic municipal services. Projected 2014-15 General Fund <br />expenditures total $87.7 million. Expected revenues of $86.3 million, including $1.4 million <br />contributed from fund balance, finance the anticipated expenditures. <br />Total mid -year revenue in 2014-15 amounts to $34.5 million, 41 % of total budget (compared <br />to 41 % in 2013-14). This year's estimated revenues are higher by nearly $4.8 million. <br />Expenditures at mid -year amount to $37.9 million, 44% of the budget (compared to 46% in <br />2013-14). This year's estimated expenditures are higher by $6.3 million. <br />Highlights from mid -year activity in the General Fund and other funds are set forth below. <br />General Fund Revenue <br />• Property Tax (47% of budget compared to 49% in 2013 -14) -The current year's budget <br />for property tax revenue is $626,000 greater than budgeted in 2013-14. The first <br />payment of property tax from the secured roll by Alameda County was received in <br />December 2014 in which the City received $8.7 million compared to $8.7 million in <br />December 2013. Property taxes are expected to remain flat for 2014-15. <br />• Sales Tax (41 % of budget compared to 41 % in 2013 -14) -The current year's budget for <br />sales tax revenue is $2.9 million higher than budgeted in 2013-14. Overall, sales tax <br />increased by 10% from the same period last year and represents an 11 % increase in <br />local sales tax receipts and a 10% increase in the Sales Tax Backfill payment. <br />• Property Transfer Tax (45% of budget compared to 51 % in 2013-14)- Property <br />Transfer tax decreased in the first half of the fiscal year by 12% due to the increased <br />level of sales of commercial property in 2013-14. Because Property Transfer tax is tied <br />directly to the sale of real property it is difficult to predict and can vary from year to <br />year. <br />• Business License Tax (10% of budget compared to 11 % in 2013-14) - Mid -Year <br />reflects a decrease of $39,000 (8%) due to the timing of payment processing. <br />Renewals are sent in December and processing can be delayed depending on staffing <br />levels and the holiday closure. The third quarter will reflect a more comparable <br />analysis. <br />• Charges for Services (54% of budget compared to 47% in 2013-14) - Charges for <br />Services increased by 16% in the first half of the year primarily due to inspection fees <br />charged for development in the City including the Bridge Housing Development at San <br />Leandro Crossings. <br />• Interest & Property Income (61 % of budget compared to 65% in 2013-14) - Interest <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 2111/2015 <br />