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8I Consent 2015 0217
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Packet 2015 0217
8I Consent 2015 0217
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File Number: 15-068 <br />Plan Bay Area projects that PDAs along major corridors will grow at a faster rate than the <br />region as a whole. Many of the investments included in Plan Bay Area connect and/or serve <br />the cities and counties within the East Bay Corridor. In addition, regional and State community <br />development and transportation funding and resources have been, and continue to be, <br />prioritized for PDAs throughout the State to further the Plan's goals. <br />Between 2000 and 2014, San Leandro and other localities such as Alameda, Albany, <br />Berkeley, EI Cerrito, Emeryville, Hayward, Hercules, Oakland, Pinole, Richmond, San Pablo, <br />Union City, Alameda County and Contra Costa County adopted 25 land use plans to establish <br />ABAG/MTC certified PDAs. All of these PDAs are located within the East Bay Corridor. San <br />Leandro has two PDAs: Downtown San Leandro and East 14th Street. <br />The Downtown PDA conforms to the area established as a'/2 mile radius around the San <br />Leandro BART Station under the City's Downtown Transit -Oriented Development Strategy <br />adopted in 2007. The East 14th Street PDA includes the entire length of East 14th Street from <br />Bristol Boulevard to the north to Hesperian Boulevard to the south and was established under <br />the East 14th Street South Area Strategy (2004) and the North Area Specific Plan (1991). The <br />City received an MTC planning grant in the summer of 2014 to form a PDA and TOD specific <br />plan for the area in and around the Bay Fair BART Station and Bayfair Center, which includes <br />the adjacent portion of East 14th Street. <br />Analysis <br />In September 2013, the East Bay Corridor Initiative was presented to ABAG's Executive <br />Board as a top implementation strategy for realizing Plan Bay Area. Since 2013, staff from <br />East Bay Corridor jurisdictions (including San Leandro), ABAG, and other public agencies <br />have met to identify 1) obstacles to achieving the level and quality of growth planned for PDAs <br />in their jurisdictions and 2) preliminary inter -jurisdictional strategies for implementing local <br />PDAs and regional planning objectives for each segment of the corridor. <br />Pursuant to the MOU, beginning in 2015, participating jurisdictions, ABAG and other public <br />agencies will engage to solidify these mutually determined preliminary strategies. This will set <br />the stage for further engagement with city leadership, development of partnerships with the <br />non-profit and business communities, and obtaining funding to carry out the strategies. <br />Participants will undertake the following activities under the MOU: <br />1. Continue to coordinate with city and county staff the development of multi -jurisdictional <br />strategies to create a network of thriving neighborhoods and downtowns within the East <br />Bay Corridor. <br />2. Identify and develop funding sources to implement agreed upon strategies. <br />3. Endorse joint applications by participants for grants and other funding that support <br />agreed upon multi -jurisdictional strategies. <br />ABAG will coordinate the East Bay Corridors Initiative. However, each participating jurisdiction <br />will assign a representative to the Initiative Steering Committee under the MOU to implement <br />the Initiative. Each jurisdiction's appointee should have expertise and experience in land use <br />and development and will in most cases be Planning Department staff. <br />Legal Analysis <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 2111/2015 <br />
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