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8K Consent 2015 0217
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Packet 2015 0217
8K Consent 2015 0217
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 15-050 <br />or his/her designee may issue or withhold an Overweight Vehicle Permit in his or her <br />discretion or may issue an Overweight Vehicle Permit conditioned upon any or all of the <br />following: <br />(1) An undertaking or other security as may be deemed necessary to protect the city's <br />streets and bridges from damage. <br />(2) Required proof of financial responsibility in an amount required for compliance with <br />California Vehicle Code Section 16500.5. <br />(3) Such conditions of operation of the Overweight Vehicle as may be necessary to <br />assure against undue damage to City road foundations, surfaces, bridges or other structures. <br />(4) Potential negative safety or environmental impacts in the opinion of the Engineering <br />and Transportation Director, the Fire Marshal, or the Chief of Police. <br />6-9-125 APPLICATION REQUIRED. <br />(a) An Overweight Vehicle Permit will be issued only upon receipt of a signed and <br />verified application which provides the company name and a vehicle description. Each <br />Overweight Vehicle Permit application shall be accompanied with a fee as determined by the <br />Chief of Police and approved by the City Council. <br />(b) A Commercial Vehicle Safety Inspection Report will be completed only upon receipt <br />of a signed and verified application that provides the company name and a vehicle <br />description. <br />6-9-130 OVERWEIGHT VEHICLE PERMIT CONDITIONS. <br />(a) Every Overweight Vehicle Permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall provide the <br />following: <br />(1) The maximum allowable gross weight as determined by the capacities of the axle <br />groups, according to the table of gross weights per axle group in Section 35551(a) of the <br />California Vehicle Code. The maximum weight permitted by a truck tractor/semi-trailer <br />combination is the sum of the capacities of the front steering axle (20,000 pounds - max.), the <br />drive axle group and the rear tri -axle group (chassis), up to the limit of 95,000 pounds. <br />(2) Overweight Vehicle Permits shall be issued for the movement of Intermodal <br />Shipping Containers only. <br />(3) Each Person issued an Overweight Vehicle Permit shall agree to indemnify, defend <br />and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers from any <br />loss, liability, damage, claims, expenses or cost resulting from or arising out of the issuance of <br />an Overweight Vehicle Permit and the use of City streets whether designated or <br />non -designated. Each such Person shall further agree to be responsible for all injuries or <br />death of persons and for all damages to property of every kind caused by or resulting from or <br />arising out of the issuance of an Overweight Vehicle Permit and the use of City roadways, <br />whether designated or non -designated. <br />(4) No detour from a designated route may be made without prior permission of the <br />Chief of Police or his/her designee. No route shall be on a Residential Street. <br />(5) Every Overweight Vehicle permitted under this Chapter and each Overweight <br />Vehicle Permit issued pursuant hereto shall be subject to inspection by the Chief of Police or <br />his/her designee and any peace officer at any time it is on a City street for the purpose of <br />determining compliance with the provisions of the Overweight Vehicle Permit. <br />(6) The Overweight Vehicle Permit applicant shall furnish the Chief of Police or his/her <br />designee with evidence that each driver of an Overweight Vehicle has completed training in <br />the operation of an Overweight Vehicle. <br />(7) The Person issued an Overweight Vehicle Permit shall furnish evidence satisfactory <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 2111/2015 <br />
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