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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2015-027 <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A <br /> MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE <br /> ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS (ABAG) FOR THE EAST BAY <br /> CORRIDORS INITIATIVE, TO COORDINATE A REGIONAL APPROACH TOWARDS <br /> ENHANCING EAST BAY PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT AREAS UNDER PLAN BAY AREA <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro (City) applied to the Association of Bay <br /> Area Governments (ABAG), the Council of Government for the San Francisco Bay Area, for <br /> designation of the following neighborhoods in the City as Priority Development Areas (PDAs): <br /> Downtown San Leandro and East 14th Street; and <br /> WHEREAS, ABAG designated these neighborhoods as PDAs and adopted Plan <br /> Bay Area, an integrated land use and transportation strategy to accommodate the region's <br /> projected population, housing and job growth between 2010 and 2040 based on PDAs; and <br /> WHEREAS,the City and other Jurisdictions of Alameda, Solano and Contra <br /> Costa Counties (collectively,the Corridor Jurisdictions)have PDAs within their communities <br /> that form a geographical and land use alignment referred to as the East Bay Corridor(Exhibit A); <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS,the staff of the Corridor Jurisdictions and ABAG have been <br /> collaborating to identify a preliminary set of inter jurisdictional strategies for implementing local <br /> and regional planning objectives for each segment of the corridor in an effort referred to as the <br /> East Bay Corridors Initiative; and <br /> WHEREAS, the staff of the Corridor Jurisdictions and ABAG recommend that <br /> the Corridor Jurisdictions and ABAG continue to coordinate on the development of multi- <br /> jurisdictional strategies to create a network of thriving neighborhoods and downtowns in <br /> Corridor PDAs, including but not limited to the subgroups that comprise the Oakland-Union City <br /> Corridor and the San Pablo Corridor; and <br /> WHEREAS, staff from the respective Corridor Jurisdictions and ABAG <br /> recommend that the Corridor Jurisdictions and ABAG enter into a Memorandum of <br /> Understanding for the East Bay Corridors Initiative (MOU)to (1) continue the development of <br /> multi jurisdictional strategies to create a network of thriving neighborhoods and downtowns in <br /> Corridor PDAs, (2) identify and develop funding sources to implement agreed upon strategies <br /> and (3) endorse joint applications by one or more Corridor Jurisdictions for grants and other <br /> funding that support agreed upon multi jurisdictional strategies; and <br /> WHEREAS, the MOU does not require the City to expend any funds or endorse <br /> or support any pre-determined project or strategy except as commonly agreed upon among the <br /> Corridor Jurisdictions and ABAG. <br />