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(i) Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, the City shall provide <br /> Manager the same benefits as provided to management employees and as those may be <br /> amended from time to time. Benefits for Manager include, but are not limited to, twenty-five <br /> (25) days of annual vacation leave (16.66 hours per month, accruable up to a maximum of three <br /> years), twelve (12) days of annual sick leave, management incentive pay of 120 hours per <br /> calendar year paid equally at each pay period, holidays, health insurance, dental insurance,life <br /> insurance, management development allowance, and retirement benefits (including the credit for <br /> unused sick leave option) and payments, as more particularly set forth in this Agreement. <br /> Manager shall have the option of converting all or a portion of management incentive pay to <br /> time off. Accumulated vacation leave may be sold back to the City in January and July. <br /> (ii) Manager shall be eligible for Ca1PERS retirement benefits upon the same <br /> terms as those benefits are provided for City employees covered by the Local Miscellaneous <br /> Members group classification for purposes of Ca1PERS. Effective January 30, 2015 until June <br /> 30, 2015,Manager agrees to voluntarily reimburse or otherwise make payment to the City in the <br /> total amount currently paid by the City as the employee share of Ca1PERS benefits (employer <br /> paid member contributions - EPMC) for employees covered by the Local Miscellaneous group <br /> classification. Effective July 1, 2015, Manager will pay the full 7% member contribution. <br /> Employer Paid Member Contribution will cease and will no longer be reported to Ca1PERS. <br /> (iii) The City agrees to contribute one thousand five hundred dollars and zero <br /> cents ($1,500.00) per month towards medical, dental and vision benefits for the term of this <br /> Agreement. Any remainder of the benefit after paying for medical, dental and vision benefits <br /> shall be taken by Manager as cash in lieu. The parties understand and agree that any portion of <br /> the benefit taken by Manager as cash is not considered to be "PERS-able compensation." <br /> 8. Reserved <br /> 9. General Business Expenses and Outside Professional Activities <br /> a. The City agrees to budget and pay for professional dues and subscriptions <br /> reasonably necessary to ensure Manager's participation in such programs that enhance <br /> Manager's standing and the City's reputation,including national, regional, state, and local <br /> associations and organizations. These organizations will include, but are not limited to, the <br /> International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the League of California Cities <br /> (LOCC). <br /> b. The City agrees to budget and pay for reasonable travel and subsistence expenses <br /> of Manager for official travel and meetings,including but not limited to the ICMA Annual <br /> Conference and LOCC meetings and conferences. <br /> c. City acknowledges the value of having Manager participate and be directly <br /> involved in local civic clubs and organizations on behalf of the City. Accordingly, the City shall <br /> budget and pay reasonable membership fees and dues to enable Manager to become an active. <br /> member of local civic clubs and organizations. <br /> 6 <br />