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City of San Leandro <br /> FTA No. 74A0834 <br /> Page 5of12 <br /> 4) Itemized costs as set forth in Attachment II, including identification of each <br /> employee or subcontractor staff that provided services during the period of the <br /> invoice, the number of hours and hourly rates for each employee or subcontractor <br /> staff member, authorized travel expenses with receipts, receipts for authorized <br /> materials or supplies, and subcontractor invoices. <br /> 5) AGENCY shall submit written progress reports with each set of invoices to allow <br /> the CALTRANS' Contract Manager to determine if AGENCY is performing to <br /> expectations, is on schedule, is within funding cost limitations,to communicate <br /> interim findings, and to afford occasions for airing difficulties respecting special <br /> problems encountered so that remedies can be developed. <br /> f. Incomplete or inaccurate invoices shall be returned to the AGENCY unapproved for <br /> correction. Failure to submit invoices on a timely basis may be grounds for termination <br /> of this FTA for material breach per Section II - Termination, Item 5. <br /> g. CALTRANS will reimburse AGENCY for all allowable Project costs at least quarterly <br /> but no more frequently than monthly in arrears as promptly as CALTRANS fiscal <br /> procedures permit upon receipt of an itemized signed invoice. <br /> h. The FTA Expiration Date refers to the last date for AGENCY to incur valid Project <br /> costs or credits and is the date the FTA expires. AGENCY has sixty(60) days after <br /> that Expiration Date to make final allowable payments to Project contractors or <br /> vendors, submit the Project's Final Product(s) as defined in Attachment II and final <br /> invoice to CALTRANS for reimbursement for allowable Project costs. Any <br /> unexpended Project funds not invoiced by the sixtieth(60th) day will be reverted and <br /> will no longer be accessible to reimburse late Project invoices. <br /> 8. Cost Principles <br /> a. AGENCY agrees to comply with Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part <br /> 200 (formerly Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87), Cost Principles for <br /> State, Local and Tribal Governments, and 49 CFR, Part 18, Uniform Administrative <br /> Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local <br /> Governments. <br /> b. AGENCY agrees, and will assure that its contractors and subcontractors will be <br /> obligated to agree, that(a) Contract Cost Principles and Procedures, 48 CFR, Federal <br /> Acquisition Regulations System, Chapter 1, Part 31, et seq., shall be used to <br /> determine the allowability of individual Project cost items and(b) all parties shall <br /> comply with Federal administrative procedures in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 18, <br /> Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to <br /> State and Local Governments. Every sub-recipient receiving Project funds as a sub- <br /> recipient, contractor, or subcontractor under this FTA shall comply with Federal <br />