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File Number: 15-169 <br />cost savings, and continue to reduce costs to the City once paid for; and finally 3) to <br />implement additional programs and ongoing program funding that further the goals of the <br />City’s Climate Action Plan at no initial capital cost to the City. The ultimate goal for the City is <br />to have the services and capital improvements financed through an energy performance <br />and/or water use contract(s) which can accomplish the following: <br />ŸAchieves significant long-term cost savings through reduced energy and water use, <br />and related operating cost savings; <br />ŸAchieves an annual guarantee for cost savings for each year of the contract; <br />ŸTurn-key project design and implementation of improvements and updates to the City’s <br />infrastructure; <br />ŸUpgrades old and/or inefficient systems; <br />ŸMaintains consistent and reasonable levels of occupant comfort; <br />ŸMaintains building functionality and compatibility with existing equipment; <br />ŸImproves utilization of technology to achieve optimum performance and savings; <br />ŸProvides additional benefits that directly result from energy related services and capital <br />improvements, reduced maintenance needs, improved indoor air quality, building <br />improvements, etc.; <br />ŸMinimizes financial and technical risk to the City; <br />ŸProvides training to employees on maintenance and repair of equipment and controls; <br />ŸProvides funding solutions; and <br />ŸProvides on-going annual metrics for use in reporting on the City’s Climate Action Plan. <br />Three energy consultant firms attended the informational pre-proposal meeting, with two firms <br />ultimately submitting responsive proposals to the RFP. Both firms indicated that the cost for <br />the audit would be subsumed into future projects should the City move forward with <br />implementation, however Climatec’s cost for preparation of the audit, which would be borne <br />by the City should future projects not be implemented, was half of that indicated by the other <br />firm. Other factors relating to staff’s recommendation include: a detailed and tailored response <br />to the City’s RFP; presentation of information in a user-friendly, non-technical manner; and <br />positive feedback from identified references, both in terms of implementation of projects, as <br />well as achievement or surpassing of projected energy savings. Per Climatec’s proposal, their <br />projects are currently producing over $250 million in life cycle savings, have achieved 122% of <br />energy savings projections, and have never had an energy savings shortfall. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The cost for the initial audit allows, under the City’s Purchasing Guidelines, for the City <br />Manager to enter into a Non-Professional Services Agreement (amount does not exceed <br />$25,000). <br />The energy/water resources audit, which is the only financial commitment being made with <br />this agreement, would be paid for by the Buildings Maintenance fund (with direct payment <br />only required should the City not move forward with an energy or water efficiency project). <br />Assuming a future efficiency project does move forward, the cost for the audit would be <br />subsumed into the financing arranged for that particular project. Future projects, which would <br />be arranged under separate contracts due to the variation in funding mechanisms, will follow <br />the City’s Purchasing Guidelines, which currently requires Council approval for project costs <br />greater than $50,000. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/31/2015