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2. One representative from each of the County's 14 cities. These participants will be selected by city <br />officials and may or may not be city staff or councilmembers. Whoever is designated will, by proxy, <br />participate on behalf of their jurisdictions and should have decision-making authority. In addition, one <br />representative from the County's unincorporated area, appointed by the Board. <br />3. A small number of "at large" representatives (three to five) that have either: (a) particular energy <br />expertise (e.g., distributed generation/clean power technology); or (b) county -wide or regional interests <br />(such as major public entities or organizations). Staff recommends that these committee members be <br />appointed by their respective organizations. <br />This composition would mean the Committee would have a minimum of 26 and maximum of 33 members (we feel <br />it would be difficult for the body to be effective if it is larger than this). For Category 1 described above, the <br />County has adopted a simple application process to fairly solicit and qualify interested participants. For your <br />information, attached is a sample application form for the County Application process, which will be posted on the <br />CDA website, distributed through the County's CCA list serve, and also be made available to a wide array of <br />stakeholders through traditional means. <br />As mentioned above, it will be important to have a diverse set of interests represented, including end users, labor <br />unions, environmental organizations, civic and business groups, community organizations, social justice groups, <br />etc. Given size limitations intrinsic to any committee of this type, there may be some interested parties who are not <br />formally appointed; however, all meetings will be open to the public, and sub -committees may be formed as <br />appropriate. The Committee will be subject to the Brown Act and will meet on a monthly or bi-monthly basis <br />throughout the CCA formation process. <br />Proposed Timeline.- The County has adopted the following rough timeline for creation of the Committee: <br />• Application form posted and sent: March 12, 2015 <br />• Application Deadline: March 7, 2015 <br />• CDA review and preliminary recommendations completed: April 20, 2015 <br />• Board of Supervisors Approval: Week of May 5, 2015 <br />• Notification to Steering Committee Participants: Week of May 5, 2015 <br />• First Meeting of Steering Committee: Week of May 18 or May 25, 2015 <br />If an individual City cannot meet this schedule, the first meeting would still be held at the specified date; however, <br />each City would be welcome to join as its appointments are made. <br />In conclusion, I request that you provide my office with a letter, on your City's letterhead and under your signature, <br />indicating that your municipality wishes to participate in the Steering Committee and will select a representative to <br />the CCA Steering Committee. There is, of course, no obligation on your part to reply to this letter or to participate <br />in the Committee, but we feel that your participation would help the CCA process to be as comprehensive and <br />inclusive as possible, and would result in the best possible committee process, and ultimately, a CCA program that <br />works effectively for all interested municipalities. <br />Thank you for your consideration in this matter <br />Jensen, Senior Planner with the County ce.7ensen(&acgov or <br />brug. <br />Scott Haggerty, President <br />Alameda County Board of Supervisors <br />. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr. Bruce <br />Community Development Agency, at (510) 670-6527 or at <br />