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File Number: 15-170 <br />The City has already approved using RM 2 grant funds for the design of this project; additional <br />action is required to approve use of the $360,000 in remaining RM 2 funds for construction. <br />Analysis <br />The RM 2 grant terms are reasonable and the City can comply with them without hardship. <br />The project report is true and accurate, and design of the improvements is complete. Staff is <br />ready to bid, award, and construct the project. Allocation of construction funds from this grant <br />will allow this project to proceed. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Council Goal F: Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On September 14, 2014 by Resolution No. 2014-100, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager’s Execution of a Grant Funding Agreement for Transportation Fund for Clean Air <br />(TFCA) funding and the City’s commitment to install bicycle lockers at the San Leandro <br />BART station. <br />·On October 7, 2013 by Resolution No. 2013-131, the City Council made a commitment to <br />the grant terms, approved a project status report, and requested RM 2 grant funds for the <br />design phase of this project <br />·On June 17, 2013 by Resolution No. 2013-087, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager’s Execution of a Grant Funding Agreement for Measure B Funding, Committing <br />the City to Spend the Necessary Matching Funds and Providing City Assurance to <br />Complete the West Juana Pedestrian Improvements Project <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·18.02 - Identify Capital Improvements and other measures which improve the safety of <br />bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles on San Leandro streets. <br />·18.05 - Pursue grants for the improvement of pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle safety. <br />·19.01 - Promote the design of streets and buildings that make San Leandro’s streets more <br />attractive and inviting for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit users. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per section 15301: minor alteration to existing <br />facilities. A notice of exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder on August 27, <br />2014. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/14/2015