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File Number: 15-170 <br />A gas station at the NW corner of West Juana Avenue and Hays Street may be impacted by <br />construction activity. Staff has discussed the project with the station owner and he is <br />supportive. <br />A bus stop will be relocated adjacent to the property at the SW corner of West Juana Avenue <br />and Clarke Street. Staff has discussed the project with the property owner and she is <br />supportive. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The estimated project cost is $866,000 including design, construction, and inspection. <br />Budget Authority <br />$50,000 Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian funds in account 144-36-294 appropriated as part <br />of the Fiscal Year 2010-11 budget. <br />$346,000 Measure B project funds in account 144-39-023 appropriated via Resolution <br />2013-087. <br />$40,000 Regional Measure 2 grant funds in account 150-36-294 appropriated via Resolution <br />2013-131. <br />$360,000 Regional Measure 2 grant funds in account 150-36-294 appropriated via this action. <br />$70,000 TFCA grant funds in account 150-36-364 appropriated via Resolution 2014-100. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachments to Resolution <br />·Initial Project Report Construction Phase <br />·Initial Project Report Construction Phase tables <br />PREPARED BY: Nick Thom, Acting City Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/14/2015