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<br /> TAMIKA THOMAS <br /> <br />EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL INF ORMATION <br /> Member of the California State Bar, License # 289530 <br />J.D. - John F. Kennedy School of Law <br />B.A., English - California State University, Hayward <br />PROFESSIONAL PROFILE <br /> Assistant City Clerk, Office of the City Clerk 2011- Present <br />City of Oakland, CA <br />Serve under the direction of the City Clerk and direct and supervise the day-to-day operations of the Office of the City <br />Clerk including Election Services, Legislative Services, Customer Services, Public Information and Records <br />Custodian. Assist with the preparation and monitoring of the department’s annual budget and train, supervise and <br />evaluate assigned personnel. This includes but is not limited to the following: <br /> Direct the day-to-day operations and administration of the City Clerk's office <br /> Assist with the development, preparation and monitoring of department budget <br /> Supervise the coordination of the City Council agenda preparation <br /> Conduct all city-wide elections <br /> Process all initiatives petitions including charter amendments, ordinances and recall <br /> Monitor Compliance with FPPC Filing regulations for campaign finance and Statement of Economic Interest <br /> Supervise and direct the City's Official notification and advertising or ordinances and other legislation <br /> Develop policies and procedures for departmental operations; assist in developing short and long range <br />planning for departmental activities <br /> Research, analyze and prepare reports <br /> Supervise the preparations and distributing various publications Supervise, train, hire and evaluate <br />professional, and clerical personnel in administrative, personnel, payroll and assigned program functions <br /> Assist in development and monitoring of performance plans <br />Assistant to the Director, Public Ethics Commission 2007-2011 <br />City of Oakland, CA <br />Serve under the direction of the department director and responsible for providing highly complex and confidential <br />administrative services to the Public Ethics Commission. Represent the commission in meetings before elected <br />officials, City staff and members of the public. Train and supervise City staff and elected officials. This includes but is <br />not limited to the following: <br /> Provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the Commission <br /> Receive and investigate complaints filed with the Commission as to their appropriateness for hearing or <br />dismissal <br /> Analyze and compile facts and data for complaint cases including information provided by other City <br />agencies; formulate objective recommendations based on detailed analysis; and interpret rules, laws and <br />regulations pertinent to the investigation <br /> Identify and research specific questions of law for precedence, related complaints; summarize research in <br />correspondence and memoranda for the Commission <br /> Write a variety of complex staff reports to the Commission <br /> Establish and maintain effective community, departmental and interdepartmental communications. <br /> Assist with the preparation of annual reports regarding staffing, budget, and Commission activities <br /> Paralegal , Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein <br />San Francisco, CA <br />2003-2007 <br /> Serve as paralegal in a class action law firm and provide high level of legal research, case preparation, administrative <br />duties including drafting memoranda of law and other correspondence. This includes but is not limited to the <br />following:  Perform extensive legal research and analysis  Perform intake interviews and preliminary review of medical and other records  Draft memoranda of law and client declarations  Serve as liaison between attorneys, government agencies and other law firms  Provide other support to attorneys as needed