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WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments reviewed a staff report that reflects the <br /> City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential impacts from the Project; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments, after closing the public hearing, approved <br /> the proposed development proposal; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments desired to uphold General Plan Policy <br /> 44.05 Street Beautification-Upgrade the City's commercial thoroughfares by building upon their <br /> existing strengths and improving their aesthetic qualities. The City should implement programs to <br /> underground utilities, abate weeds and graffiti, eliminate litter,improve buffers to adjacent <br /> residential uses,prohibit excessive or out-of-scale signage,remove billboards, and provide <br /> streetscape amenities and landscaping along these thoroughfares; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments desired to uphold General Plan Policy <br /> 52.01 Development Impacts-Permit new development only when infrastructure and utilities can <br /> be provided to that development without diminishing the quality of service provided to the rest of <br /> the City; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments desired to uphold General Plan Policy <br /> 52.02 Fair Share Costs - Require future development to pay its fair share of the cost of improving <br /> the water, sewer, drainage,and other infrastructure systems needed to serve that development; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments approved the Site Plan Review subject to <br /> Conditions of Approval that included payment of$329,487 in Development Fees for Street <br /> Improvements per Title 8, Chapter 10 of the City of San Leandro Administrative Code and Title 7, <br /> Chapter 11 of the City of San Leandro Municipal Code, and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments approved the Site Plan Review subject to <br /> Conditions of Approval that included payment of$264,880 for Undergrounding Utilities <br /> Conversion Fees per Title 5, Chapter 3 of the City of San Leandro Municipal Code; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board of Zoning Adjustments approval is final but can be appealed to the <br /> City Council within 15 calendars days of the Board of Zoning Adjustments action; and <br /> WHEREAS, Comstock Realty Partners,Inc. filed a timely appeal, APL15-0001,with the <br /> City Clerk's Office on February 20,2015; and <br /> WHEREAS,the matter of the appeal was scheduled and noticed for the April 20,2015 City <br /> Council meeting; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Project requires a Site Plan Review Approval,pursuant to 5-2512 of the <br /> Zoning Code, and it did satisfy all the requisite standards as further explained in the findings of <br /> fact as further set forth in Exhibit 1 associated with this resolution; and <br /> WHEREAS,the City's General Plan and the Zoning Code, are incorporated herein by <br /> reference, and are available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. <br /> RESOLUTION NO.2015-079 2 <br />