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vertical architectural features at the corners and the middle of the building with increased <br /> windows mitigates the expansive look. The design is a geometric and modern design that <br /> blends in with the existing two-story building, especially along Williams Street. All roof- <br /> mounted equipment has been conditioned to be screened if the parapet is not adequate. <br /> 3. The landscaping complements the architectural design,with an appropriate balance <br /> of trees, shrubs and living ground covers, and provides adequate screening and <br /> shading of parking lots and/or driveways. <br /> The existing landscaped planters along the Doolittle Drive frontage and the Williams <br /> Street frontage will be retained. The Williams Street landscaped setback already contains <br /> mature shrubs and street trees which will be supplemented with more depth and ground <br /> cover to serve as bioswale which aids in filtering storm water before leaving the site. The <br /> Aurora Drive frontage and the northwestern corner of the site will receive new <br /> landscaped setbacks and bioswales. The west elevation facing Aurora Drive will be <br /> located behind the 28-foot, eight-inch landscaped setback which will include broadleaf <br /> evergreen trees with large canopies e.g., Coast Live Oak, Brisbane Box. In addition, the <br /> new landscaped areas equal comprise 40,648 square feet which equals 11 percent of the <br /> site area that will be developed. Without counting the existing landscaped areas along <br /> Doolittle Drive, the new landscaped areas meet the minimum requirement of five percent <br /> of the overall site area of approximately 19 acres. <br /> 4. Detail features, such as signs, fences and lighting for buildings, parking lots and/or <br /> driveways are visually consistent with the architectural and landscape design, and <br /> minimize off—site glare. <br /> Signage has been conditioned for good aesthetics and high quality in appearance, which <br /> includes individual letters for wall signs, external illumination if they are to be lighted, <br /> and low-profile monument signs for free standing signs that are to match or blend in with <br /> the new architecture of the building. On-site exterior lighting has been conditioned to <br /> review their location, height, decorative features, and construction details. No site <br /> lighting will be permitted to spill offsite. The design and materials used for the trash <br /> enclosure will be required to be blend in and be compatible with the proposed new <br /> building. <br /> CEQA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br /> This item is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)per CEQA Guidelines, <br /> Article 5, Section 15061 (b)(3)where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the <br /> activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to <br /> CEQA.. <br />