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10 <br />8.1.1 Contractor (s) performing construction work on the Projects described in the <br />Agreement shall, in filling craftjob requirements, utilize and be bound by the registration facilities <br />and referral systems established or authorized by the Unions signatory hereto ("Job Referral <br />System"). Such Job Referral System will be operated in a non--discriminatory manner and in <br />full compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including those which <br />require equal employment opportunities and nondiscrimination. <br />8.1.2 The Contractor(s) shall have the right to reject any applicant referred by the <br />Union(s),inaccordancewiththeapplicableMasterAgreement. <br />8.1.3 The Contractor(s) shall have the unqualified right to select and hire directly all <br />supervisors above general foreman it considers necessary and desirable, without such persons <br />beingreferredbytheUnions(s). <br />8.1.4 In the event that referral facilities maintained by the Union(s) are unable to fill the <br />requisition of a Contractor(s) for employees within a seventy-two (72) hour period after such <br />requisition is made by the Contractor(s), the Contractor(s) shall be free to obtain employees <br />from any source. Contactor(s) shall promptly notify the Union(s) of any applicants hired <br />from other sources. This provision does NOT affect core employees as defined below. <br />8.1.5 Unions shall exert their utmost efforts to recruit sufficient numbers of skilled craft <br />personstofulfilltherequirements oftheContractor(s). <br />8.2 Local Hire <br />All parties agree to make a good faith effort to refer on a priority basis, consistent with the <br />non-discriminatory referral procedures of the hall, qualified and available, and bona-fide San <br />Leandro residents and if no San Leandro residents are available, than Alameda County Residents, <br />forProjectwork. <br />8.2.1 The parties also recognize and support the City's commitment to provide opportunities <br />for participation on the Projects to San Leandro businesses through the City’s Local Business <br />Preference Ordinance. In furtherance of this commitment, the parties agree that such San <br />Leandro contractors and subcontractors awarded work on the Projects may request by name, and <br />the local will honor, referral of persons who have applied to the local union for Project work and <br />whodemonstratethefollowingqualifications: <br />(1)possess any license required by state or federal law for the Project work to be <br />performed; <br />(2)have worked a total of at least one thousand (1,000) hours in the construction craft during <br />thepriorthree(3)years; <br />(3)were on the Contractor's active payroll for at least sixty (60) out of the one hundred and <br />eighty(180)calendardayspriortothecontract award; <br />(4)havetheabilitytoperform safelythebasicfunctionsoftheapplicabletrade,and