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File Number: 15-252 <br />employee. <br />2.B. Discussion Regarding Measure HH Committee <br />Staff requested Committee direction for the establishment of the Measure HH Citizens <br />Oversight Committee. The Committee expressed interest in preserving the criteria that <br />established the Measure Z Citizens Oversight Committee. The Committee directed staff to <br />contact existing Measure Z Committee members to determine which members would consider <br />converting to the Measure HH Committee. It was acknowledged that Councilmember Corina <br />Lopez can no longer serve on the Measure Z or Measure HH Committees due to her <br />November 2014 election to Council. <br />The Finance Committee directed staff to return with an update on the formation of the <br />Measure HH Committee at the April Finance Committee meeting. At that time, staff will <br />receive additional direction on the next steps needed to form the Measure HH Committee. <br />2.C. Discussion Regarding Future Meeting Dates and times <br />The next Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. <br />3.COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />None. <br />4.PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />None. <br />5.COMMITTEE MEMBER DIRECTION <br />None. <br />6.ADJOURN <br />The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/28/2015