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File Number: 15-282 <br />To date over 65 public meetings to discuss the project have been held and additional <br />meetings are planned, including public hearings. The Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing on January 15, 2015 to provide and receive input on the Draft Environmental Impact <br />Report. The recommended General Plan Amendment and Rezone is tentatively scheduled to <br />return to the Planning Commission on June 18, 2015 along with the Final Environmental <br />Impact Report. <br />PROPOSAL AND STAFF ANALYSIS <br />General Plan Ma <br />The Project will require a series of planning entitlements, including a General Plan Map <br />Amendment to change the land use designation in portions of the nine -hole golf course from <br />Parks and Recreation to Medium Density Residential. The land mass containing Mulford Point <br />Drive and Pescador Point Drive, encompassing the boat harbor, is already General <br />Commercial and will remain as designated. The Proposed General Plan Amendments Draft <br />Map is attached as Exhibit B. <br />The Medium Density Residential along the east edge of Monarch Bay Drive and the interior of <br />the nine -hole golf course would conform to the proposed townhomes and mix of small -lot <br />single-family homes and townhomes. The remaining area of the nine -hole course would stay <br />as the existing Parks and Recreation land use designation under the existing General Plan. <br />The existing land mass encompassing the boat harbor, designated General Commercial, <br />would conform to the office campus, hotel, conference center, multi -family residential housing, <br />restaurants and parking structure in the proposed Shoreline Development Plan. <br />Zoning Map <br />The other planning entitlement includes a rezone (Zoning Map change) of the aforementioned <br />land area from Commercial Recreation (CR) District to Community Commercial, Planned <br />Development [CC(PD)] Overlay District, and the proposed residential development areas in <br />the nine -hole golf course from Commercial Recreation (CR) District to Residential <br />Multi -Family -2000, Planned Development Overlay [RM -2000 (PD)] District. The area <br />remaining for the nine -hole course will remain Commercial Recreation (CR) District and the <br />existing Mulford Branch Library will remain Commercial Recreation, Planned Development <br />[CR(PD)] Overlay District. The Proposed Zoning Map Amendments Draft Map is attached as <br />Exhibit C. These proposed changes are required and consistent with the General Plan Map <br />amendments described above to entitle the various elements of the Shoreline Development <br />Plan. <br />The approval of the Final EIR as well as the recommended General Plan amendment and <br />rezoning is the first phase of the entitlement approval process for the Shoreline Development <br />Plan. Phase 2 includes approval of the Planned Development and the Development <br />Agreement. Specific issues regarding site planning, architecture, open space, landscaping, <br />outdoor furniture and other details will be addressed during the phase 2 process. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 5/12/2015 <br />