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File Number: 15-309 <br />1.113. Announcements <br />None. <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A. Discussion Regarding the Drought <br />Debbie Pollart reported no new data from the April 6th EBMUD's Board meeting, which talked <br />about the Governor's Executive plea for a state wide water usage reduction of 25%. EBMUD <br />will change from voluntary to mandatory guidelines (which includes no watering of turf street <br />medians) and give guidance to the City. D. Pollart will look into shutting off the water to those <br />areas, as well as City Hall and Main Library landscapes. Councilmembers requested <br />exploring whether City fountains can be shut off with signs posted regarding water <br />conservation. Governor freed up additional funding by expanding reclaimed water structure, <br />allowing residents to convert turf to non -turf lawns. D. Pollart to follow up on <br />Councilmembers' requests, and check with EBMUD regarding available signage and also look <br />into obtaining some of those funds. <br />Mayor Cutter recommended staff contact school district regarding their water usage and <br />landscape maintenance. D. Pollart to contact the school district. <br />Mayor Cutter asked if possible to "beige out" instead of "brown out" if there's a change in <br />water usage guidelines. D. Pollart is in the process of assessing requirements of keeping the <br />City's medians green. The possible options are: aeration; location by location (in the <br />example of Heron Bay where it was not irrigated for 9 months); re -sod versus non -sod; and <br />raising height of the mowed lawns. <br />Mayor Cutter wants clarification on hydrants and rates charged even though rarely used. D. <br />Pollart to ask EBMUD to clarify. <br />Councilmembers had concerns about water usage at City pools, the Senior Center, the golf <br />courses, as well as percentage of parks using re-claimed water. D. Pollart indicated that she <br />will continue to minimize water use at City pools. The Senior Center is LEED certified and <br />therefore uses minimal amount of water. The golf courses use reclaimed water. <br />D. Pollart to report back to Committee regarding the finding on regulations and guidance <br />received from EBMUD and what further water management options the City can explore. <br />2.13. Discussion Regarding the CIP Program <br />K. Cooke presented handouts and answered questions regarding the status of CIP projects. <br />Councilmember Reed requested a list of worst roads; K. Cooke to provide to the Committee. <br />Mayor Cutter suggested having a ribbon cutting ceremony at the beginning of street repair <br />construction that will impact residents. Mayor Cutter asked if there was a website that will <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 5127/2015 <br />