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File Number: 15-327 <br />IBEW Local 595 <br />1.B. Announcements <br />Will Fuentes is the newest addition to the Finance Department and has accepted the position <br />of Assistant Finance Director coming from Union City after spending 17 years as a Financial <br />Manager. Will has obtained a Bachelor Degree along with a Master Degree from Notre Dame. <br />2.DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A.Discussion Regarding Community Workforce Agreement <br />·$1,000,000 cost threshold has been agreed upon <br />·Committee is comfortable with the current drafting of the Core Worker Provisions as <br />written. <br />·Implementation - Monitoring and tracking local hire and apprenticeship programs <br />Discussion regarding approval for a $100,000 budget where funds will be used to work on <br />implementation and publication of the Workforce Agreement <br />Comment was made regarding using developer fees to help pay for extra cost of <br />implementing the Workforce Agreement. <br />An example of Hayward Library was used in regard to their implementation of a Workforce <br />Agreement where they utilize local hire. <br />2.B.Measure HH Oversight Committee Update <br />David Baum reached out to current members of Measure Z Committee to confirm willingness <br />to continue participating in Measure HH Committee. Confirmation was received from three out <br />of four members. Geraldine Mellen, David Grodin and Sarah Galvin have confirmed as <br />members. Esther Collier is expected to also remain the fourth member of committee. <br />Timing for completing the annual report for Measure HH would be sometime in August once <br />the Fiscal Year 14-15 financial statements have been completed. <br />2.C.Unfunded Liability Review <br />Two years ago, there was a significant effort by City Staff to bring attention to unfunded <br />liabilities that relate to post employment benefit obligations. Budget documents state it is <br />about $158 million. New accounting requirements in place (GASB 67 & 68) require more <br />transparency in terms of how information is provided. <br />Chris Zapata suggested selling some assets as a means to pay unfunded liabilities. <br />2.D.Biennial Budget Update <br />Discussion regarding how Engineering uses a process in which they review several miles of <br />sewer pipelines and x-ray the system every 10 years to identify failures. Funds from this <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/27/2015