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File Number: 15-310 <br />budget for licenses and permits is $276,000 higher than the budget for 2013-14. However, <br />overall, licenses and permits decreased by 22% from the same period last year; mainly <br />due to a $518,000 decrease in building permit fees. The timing of major projects caused <br />this decrease and it is expected to correct itself by year end. Year-end projections are <br />expected to be $162,000 greater than adopted budgetary estimates and $320,000 greater <br />than 2013-14 year-end actuals. <br />·Other Revenue (52% of budget compared to 104% in 2012-13) -Other revenue <br />represents miscellaneous reimbursements, sales of property and equipment, and Cherry <br />Festival receipts that vary from year to year. Revenue from this category was projected to <br />reach $1.3 million by year- end. However, these projections also include $606,000 from <br />the sale of property and that may not occur before year-end. <br />As reported in the attached Third Quarter Financial Report, all other taxes and revenue <br />receipts show a closer projection to what the year-end results will reflect. <br />General Fund Expenditures <br />·General Administration - (53% of budget compared to 70% in 2013-14)-General <br />Administration increased by 10% or $295,000 compared to the same time period in 2013- <br />14. This is due to necessary election expenses in November 2014 ($93,000), an <br />increased commitment to the innovation program ($30,000), increasing human resources <br />and recruitment activity costs ($88,000), and increases in the community investment <br />program ($31,000). <br />·Finance - (67% of budget compared to 78% in 2012-13)-Finance decreased by 12% or <br />$228,000 compared to the same time period in 2013-14. The decrease reflects staffing <br />vacancies in several areas as well as a Sales Tax Audit performed in 2013-14 that <br />discovered two major companies underreporting sales taxes. These audits are on-going <br />annual efforts and the cost of the audit is based on the sales tax consultant’s findings. It is <br />not expected that the consultant will discover major findings in 2014-15. <br />·Police - (75% of budget compared to 72% in 2013-14)-Police increased by 13% or $2.5 <br />million compared to the same time period in 2013-14. This increase is primarily due to <br />salary and benefit increases equaling $1.4 million and vehicle replacements totaling <br />$739,000. <br />·Fire - (65% of budget compared to 64% in 2013-14)-The City contracts for Fire Services <br />with the Alameda County Fire Department. Fire costs increased by 5% or $579,000 <br />compared to the same time period in 2013-14. These cost increases were expected as <br />the budget for 2014-15 is $506,000 greater than the budget for 2013-14. <br />·Community Development - (62% of budget compared to 67% in 2013-14). The third <br />quarter expenditures for Community Development are $191,000 (7%) higher than in 2013- <br />14 primarily due to increases in planning services ($97,000) and business development <br />($82,000). <br />·Non-Departmental - (144% of budget compared to 106% in 2013-14). The third quarter <br />expenditures for Non-Departmental are $193,000 (38%) higher than in 2013-14 primarily <br />due to increases for the California Conservatory Theater ($44,000) and a $135,000 <br />settlement for a utility user tax program lawsuit. <br />·Transfers - (227% of budget compared to 101% in 2013-14). Transfers increased by $1.8 <br />million due to recently approved additional appropriations for Siempre Verde Park <br />improvements ($1.1 million) and the purchase of the 777 Alvarado parcel ($300,000). <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/27/2015