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File Number: 15-310 <br />·Parking - Revenues decreased by 5% or $9,000 due to lower monthly parking permits <br />sold (-$24,000). This was partially offset by higher parking meter receipts ($6,000) and <br />parking garage daily use tickets sold ($9,000). <br />·Gas Tax Fund - Revenues increased 10% or $160,000 due to higher gas tax revenues <br />received from the State ($180,000). This was partially offset by lower operating transfers <br />in to the Gas Tax Fund from the General Fund (-$30,000). Expenditures increased by <br />17% or $187,000 due entirely to added costs related to street maintenance. <br />·Heron Bay - Expenditures increased by 13% or $21,000 due to rising marshland <br />management costs. <br />·Housing Services - Revenues increased 6% or $44,000 due to new Alameda County <br />reimbursements for housing rehabilitation ($100,000) and higher loan repayments for <br />housing services coming from various sources ($93,000). These increases were partially <br />offset by decreases to CDBG grants (-$89,000) and housing services reimbursements (- <br />$63,000). Expenditures increased by 152% or $705,000 due to rising costs for the annual <br />sidewalk program ($48,000) and the first payment made for the Madea Alta Apartments <br />predevelopment activities ($640,000). <br />·Business Improvement District - Revenues increased 63% or $150,000 due entirely to <br />higher business improvement district licenses and permits. Expenditures decreased by <br />21% or $44,000 due to lower Links Shuttle costs. <br />·Public Education & Government Fund (PEG) - Revenues increased 8% or $7,000 due <br />to higher public access fees earned. Expenditures decreased by 86% or $376,000 due to <br />one-time costs related to the City Council video enhancement project in 2013-14. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Third Quarter Financial Report as of March 31, 2015 <br />PREPARED BY: David Baum, Finance Director <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/27/2015