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File Number: 15-204 <br />The additional conduit added to the project is approximately 3,800 lineal feet and will provide <br />a path for high speed communications service to additional commercial properties and <br />needed redundancy for resilient communications . The added conduit raises the construction <br />contract cost by 15%. <br />Change order items for other than the added conduit are projected to be 24% of the original <br />contract amount. The largest of these items is the cost of working around unforeseen buried <br />obstacles; a summary is included below. The cost of all change orders is projected to total <br />40% of the original contract. Change orders above 25% of the original contract amount <br />require authorization by the City Council. <br />The contract change orders proposed provide for the use of the EDA grant funds. Even with <br />this change order there is approximately $600,000 still available from the EDA grant. Staff will <br />propose a new project to use the remaining EDA funds. Staff recommends approval of the <br />increase in the Change Order limit to allow for the full use of the available EDA grant funds in <br />a cost effective and expeditious manner. <br />Previous Actions <br />On July 7, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-068, the City Council awarded a construction <br />contract to Flatiron Electric Group, Inc. for the Fiber Conduit for Broadband Network project. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15304 (f) - Minor Alteration to <br />Land. The Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder’s Office on May <br />10, 2013. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total cost of this project including design, permits, construction, contingencies and <br />construction management is estimated at $2,070,000. <br />The construction contract details are as follows: <br />Description Amount Percent <br />Bid $1,325,350 - <br />Add 3800 ft. of conduit and pull boxes $205,395 15.5% <br />Remove unforeseen underground obstructions $190,000 14.3% <br />Miscellaneous changes to boxes, wiring, and manholes $61,563 4.6% <br />Contingency for remainder of work $73,182 5.6% <br />Total Construction (projected)$1,855,490 40.0% <br />Budget Authority <br />Project design and construction expenditures plus encumbrances to date are $1,875,000. <br />Additional funding is not required to complete the work as total project funding of $2,623,000 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/9/2015