File Number: 15-347
<br />Covered Work: The work covered under the draft CWA includes all on-site construction,
<br />demolition, alteration, painting or repair of buildings, structures, landscaping, temporary
<br />fencing and other related activities for the projects that is within the craft jurisdictions of one of
<br />the signatory unions and that is part of the projects, including, pipelines, site preparation,
<br />survey work, and demolition.
<br />The agreement does not apply to projects for which there is a prohibition, exclusion or other
<br />limitation imposed because of a grant, funding, or other agreement that creates a risk to the
<br />City of any repayment or return to source of any funds received. Per Section 2.4.5 of the
<br />Agreement, the City Council will have final authority to make amendments to the Agreement
<br />in the unlikely event that City staff and the BTC are unable to reach agreement on
<br />amendments to the CWA for a particular project’s funding restrictions.
<br />Contracts would still be subject to competitive bidding laws, the payment of prevailing wages,
<br />and the City would still be required by law and its own ordinances to select the lowest
<br />responsive and responsible bidder.
<br />Minimum Cost Threshold: City staff recommended setting a baseline value so that the CWA
<br />would apply to City construction projects whose value meets or exceeds $1,000,000. The
<br />Building Trades initially requested a minimum value of $250,000. Staff’s recommendation was
<br />based on programmatic necessities, including but not limited to maintaining efficiency of
<br />process and budget and project management flexibility. Based on staff research, other
<br />agencies have used the following thresholds:
<br />·City of Berkeley: $1,000,000 and above
<br />·City of Martinez: $500,000 and above
<br />·San Leandro Unified School District: Between $500,000 and $3,000,000
<br />·Port of Oakland: Varies, some as low as $50,000
<br />·Contra Costa County: $1,000,000
<br />·Solano County: $10,000,000
<br />Finance Committee Recommendation: At its March 17, 2015 meeting, the Finance Committee
<br />recommended a $1,000,000 minimum threshold and the BTC indicated that, though they
<br />preferred a lower threshold, they are amenable to this determination.
<br />Labor Peace: For all projects covered by the Agreement, the Unions would agree that there
<br />will be no strikes, sympathy strikes, work stoppages, picketing, hand billing, or slowdowns of
<br />any kind, for any reason, on the projects, at a job site of the projects or at any other facility of
<br />the City.
<br />Union Hiring Hall and Impact on Non-Union Contractors: Contractors working on covered
<br />projects would be required, in filling craft job requirements, to utilize and be bound by the
<br />registration facilities and referral systems authorized by the signatory unions. This is
<br />commonly referred to as the union hiring hall.
<br />The agreement does not prohibit non-union contractors from bidding on projects. However,
<br />the CWA allows non-union contractors to use no more than five of their own employees and
<br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/9/2015