Laserfiche WebLink
Policy Audit <br />Review of each goal, policy, and <br />action in the 2002 Plan <br />Was it implemented? Is it still relevant? <br />Should it be carried forward, deleted, or <br />edited? <br />Review of goals, policies, and actions <br />in more recent plans <br />Does it supersede or update the content of <br />the 2002 Plan? <br />Should it be incorporated into the General <br />Plan? <br />Review of new laws and requirements <br />•Downtown TOD Plan <br />•South Area Plan <br />•Shoreline Development Plan <br />•Climate Action Plan <br />•Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan <br />•Next Generation Workplace <br />•Land Use <br />•Transportation <br />•Environmental Hazards <br />•Conservation/Open Space <br />•Community Services <br />•Design and Preservation