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11 <br />How would this affect the City of San Leandro? <br />•San Leandro would be able to join an Alameda County CCA - or not <br />•Marin and Sonoma structures indicate little, if any, risk to City <br />•Availability of CCA electricity provides more choices – both as to the type <br />(33%, 50%, 100% renewable?) and price of electricity <br />How would this affect San Leandro residents and businesses? <br />•If San Leandro opts in, all residents and businesses would be transferred to <br />the Alameda County CCA – unless they affirmatively choose to remain with <br />PG&E <br />•Marin and Sonoma evidence is that about 10-15% of customers have opted <br />to stay with PG&E <br /> <br />An Alameda County CCA – “East Bay Community <br />Energy”