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Leandro, the California State Public Contract Code and the Labor Code, including but not <br /> limited to competitive bidding and payment of prevailing wages; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro has the absolute right to select the lowest <br /> responsive and responsible bidder for the award of the construction contracts for the Projects; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the parties signatory to this Agreement pledge their full good faith and <br /> trust to work towards a mutually satisfactory completion of the Projects. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BETWEEN AND AMONG THE PARTIES <br /> HERETO, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> ARTICLE 1 <br /> DEFINITIONS <br /> 1.1 "Agreement" means this Community Workforce Agreement. <br /> 1.2 "Agreement to be Bound" means the agreement (attached hereto and incorporated <br /> herein as Exhibit A) which shall be executed by each and every Contractor(s)/Employer(s) as <br /> a condition of performing Project Work. <br /> 1.3 "Alameda County Residents" shall include any residents living in any city or <br /> unincorporated section of Alameda County six months prior to the award of a Project. <br /> 1.4 "San Leandro Resident" means any individual who six months prior to the award of a <br /> Project can certify through a utility bill, or other similar means acceptable to the parties to this <br /> Agreement that the individual resides within the boundaries of the San Leandro City Limits. <br /> 1.5 "City" means the City of San Leandro. <br /> 1.6 "Completion" means that point at which there is Final Acceptance by the City of a <br /> Construction Contract. For this definition of "Completion", "Final Acceptance" shall mean that <br /> point in time at which the engineer for the City has determined upon final inspection that the <br /> work has been completed in all respects and all required contract documents, contract <br /> drawings, warranties, certificates, manuals and data have been submitted and training <br /> completed in accordance with the contract documents and the City Council has accepted the <br /> work. <br /> 1.7 "Contractor(s)" or "Contractor(s)/Employer(s)" means any individual, firm, partnership <br /> or corporation, or other business entity, or combination thereof, including joint ventures that is <br /> an independent business enterprise, and their successors and assigns that has entered into a <br /> contract with the City with respect to the construction work necessary for any part of a Project, <br /> under contract terms and conditions approved by the City and which incorporate this <br /> Agreement, and any of its contractors or subcontractors of any tier. <br /> 1.8 "Construction Contract(s)" means all of the contract(s) for construction of any Project. <br /> 1.9 "Council" means the Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL- <br /> CIO. <br />