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geographical and topographical conditions existing in the City of San Leandro. <br /> 3. The aforesaid local amendment is enacted pursuant to the authority of <br /> Section 17958.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, for the purpose of <br /> addressing the aforesaid conditions which are more specifically described as follows: <br /> (a) The City of San Leandro lies in the near vicinity of the Hayward <br /> Fault and in fact, a substantial portion of the residential area of <br /> the City lies within the Aiquist-Priolo Act Special Studies Zone, <br /> requiring special geologic studies prior to development. This <br /> increases the likelihood of seismic disturbances of substantial <br /> magnitude occurring and causing consequent damage. Such <br /> damage is often accompanied by structural fire. <br /> (b) The travel time to a fire or other emergency within San Leandro <br /> may be impeded by the following conditions: <br /> (i) Three major railway lines, the elevated BART line, three <br /> major freeways and a natural creek, divide the City into <br /> numerous sections, and equipment responding to <br /> emergencies face potential delays and obstruction of access <br /> in crossing these barriers. <br /> (ii) San Leandro lies in the path of two major water reservoirs <br /> which, upon failure, would inundate a large portion of the <br /> 3 <br />