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, <br /> Exhibit A <br /> PROPERTY <br /> THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATEDIN THE CITY OF SAN <br /> LEANDRO, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED <br /> AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of Estudillo Avenue, formerly Ward <br /> Avenue, with the eastern line of Santa Rosa Street, formerly Pelton Street, as the said <br /> avenue and street existed on November 6, 1871; and running thence northerly along <br /> said line of Santa Rosa Street, 175 feet; thence at right angles easterly 100 feet; thence <br /> at right angles southerly 175 feet to said line of Estudillo Avenue; thence westerly, along <br /> the last named line, 100 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> Excepting therefrom, however, that portion thereof included in Estudillo Avenue, as the <br /> same now exists. <br /> APN: 077-0460-012 <br /> Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program <br /> Owner Participation and Loan Agreement <br /> Form: 12-3-08 J <br />