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Reso 2015-125
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2015-125
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7/30/2015 5:44:18 PM
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7/30/2015 4:41:13 PM
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4A Public Hearing 2015 0720
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To foster interagency coordination in the review of projects. <br /> To enhance public participation in the planning process. <br />An EIR is the most comprehensive form of environmental documentation identified in the CEQA statute <br />and in the CEQA Guidelines. It provides the information needed to assess the environmental <br />consequences of a proposed project, to the extent feasible. EIRs are intended to provide an objective, <br />factually supported, full-disclosure analysis of the environmental consequences associated with a <br />proposed project that has the potential to result in significant, adverse environmental impacts. An EIR is <br />also one of various decision-making tools used by a lead agency to consider the merits and disadvantages <br />of a project that is subject to its discretionary authority. Prior to approving a proposed project, the lead <br />agency must consider the information contained in the EIR, determine whether the EIR was properly <br />prepared in accordance with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, determine that it reflects the independent <br />judgment of the lead agency, adopt findings concerning the project’s significant environmental impacts <br />and alternatives, and adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations if the proposed project would result <br />in significant impacts that cannot be avoided. <br />1.1.1 EIR ORGANIZATION <br />This Draft EIR is organized into the following chapters: <br /> Chapter 1: Executive Summary. Summarizes environmental consequences that would result from <br />implementation of the Project, describes recommended mitigation measures, and indicates the level <br />of significance of environmental impacts before and after mitigation. <br /> Chapter 2: Introduction. Provides an overview describing the Draft EIR document. <br /> Chapter 3: Project Description. Describes the Project in detail, including the site location and <br />characteristics, objectives, and some of the technical elements of the proposed action. <br /> Chapter 4: Environmental Evaluation. Organized into 14 sub-chapters corresponding to the <br />environmental resource categories identified in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, this section <br />provides a description of the physical environmental conditions in the vicinity of the Project as they <br />existed at the time the Notice of Preparation was published, from both a local and regional <br />perspective. Additionally, this chapter provides an analysis of the potential environmental impacts of <br />the Project, and recommended mitigation measures, if required, to reduce the impacts to less than <br />significant where possible, and to reduce their magnitude or significance when impacts cannot be <br />reduced to a less-than-significant level. The environmental setting included in each sub-chapter <br />provides baseline physical conditions, which provide a context, which the lead agency uses to <br />determine the significance of environmental impacts resulting from the Project. Each sub-chapter also <br />includes a description of the thresholds used to determine if a significant impact would occur; the <br />methodology to identify and evaluate the potential impacts of the Project; and the potential <br />cumulative impacts associated with the Project. <br /> Chapter 5: Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts. Identifies impacts that cannot be mitigated to a <br />less-than-significant level, and therefore would remain significant and unavoidable.
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