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parking structure, and public amenities, including a community library, aquatic center, and enhanced <br />shoreline access would not occur. <br />1.3.2 RELOCATED HOTEL ALTERNATIVE <br />Under the Relocated Hotel Alternative, the proposed hotel would be relocated from its proposed location <br />at the end of Mulford Point Drive. Potential locations that could accommodate the hotel include: the <br />parking lot along Pescador Point Drive, which is southeast of the current proposed location; the parking <br />lot along Mulford Point Drive, which is directly adjacent to the northeast of the proposed location; and on <br />the corner of Monarch Point Drive and Monarch Bay Drive. Under this alternative, all other components, <br />such as square footage, residential units, hotel rooms, and other development, of the Project would <br />remain the same. <br />1.3.3 REDUCED DENSITY/INTENSITY ALTERNATIVE <br />Under the Reduced Density/Intensity Alternative, Project components, such as square footage, residential <br />units, and hotel rooms would be reduced by 25 percent over what is proposed under the Project. <br />1.4 ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED <br />Section 15123 (b) (3) of the CEQA Guidelines requires that an EIR identify issues to be resolved, including <br />the choice among alternatives and whether or how to mitigate significant impacts. With regard to the <br />Project, the major issues to be resolved include decisions by the City of San Leandro, as Lead Agency, <br />related to: <br /> Whether this Draft EIR adequately describes the environmental impacts of the Project. <br /> Whether the social and economic benefits of the Project override those environmental impacts that <br />cannot be feasibly avoided or mitigated to a level of insignificance. <br /> Whether the proposed land use changes are compatible with the character of the existing area. <br /> Whether the identified mitigation measures should be adopted or modified. <br /> Whether there are other mitigation measures that should be applied to the Project besides those <br />Mitigation Measures identified in the Draft EIR. <br /> Whether there are any alternatives to the Project that would substantially lessen any of the significant <br />impacts of the Project and achieve most of the basic objectives. <br />1.5 AREAS OF CONTROVERSY <br />The City issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on July 3, 2013, and reissued an NOP December 11, 2013, <br />as a result of minor revisions to the Project. Changes in the Project from the July 2013 to the December <br />2013 NOP include an increase in proposed residential units from 188 to 354, a reduction in office space <br />from 250,000 square feet to 150,000 square feet, and an increase in parking spaces from 1,802 to 1,973. <br />The CEQA-mandated scoping period for this EIR was between December 11, 2013 and January 9, 2014,