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WHEREAS,the City determined that an Environmental Impact Report(EIR) <br /> should be prepared for the Project and circulated a Notice of Preparation(NOP) dated July <br /> 3, 2013 to public agencies and interested parties for consultation on the scope of the EIR. <br /> Based on revisions to the project description, the City reissued the NOP on December 11, <br /> 2013 for the required 30-day review period; and <br /> WHEREAS, based on the project description and responses to the NOP,the City <br /> prepared a Draft EIR dated December 2014 (SCH No. 2013072011)that reflects the independent <br /> judgment of the City as to the potential environmental effects of the Project. The Draft EIR is <br /> attached as Attachment A and incorporated herein by reference. The City circulated the Draft <br /> EIR for a 60-day public review period, from December 9, 2014 to February 6, 2015. The Draft <br /> EIR was distributed to local, regional, and State agencies and the public was advised of its <br /> availability. The Draft EIR was available for review on the City's website, at City Hall and at <br /> the San Leandro Main Library; and <br /> WHEREAS, although not required by CEQA, the City held two public meetings to <br /> facilitate public review and comment on the Draft EIR. The Planning Commission public <br /> meeting was held on January 15, 2015, followed by a City Council work session on January 26, <br /> 2015; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City received comment letters from State,regional, and local agencies as <br /> well as interested individuals and organizations during the public review period, and three letters <br /> after the public review period. In accordance with CEQA, the City prepared written responses <br /> to all of the comments received during the public review period, both oral and written; the City <br /> also prepared written responses to the comments received after the public review period. The <br /> City prepared a Final EIR dated June 2015, attached as Attachment B and incorporated herein by <br /> reference. The Final EIR included an annotated copy of each comment letter identifying specific <br /> comments, responses to each specific comment, and clarifications and minor corrections to <br /> information presented in the Draft EIR. Oral comments were similarly identified and written <br /> responses prepared. The responses to comments provide the City's good faith, reasoned analysis <br /> of the environmental issues raised by the comments; and <br /> WHEREAS, given the number and breadth of public comments, a considerable amount of <br /> information was generated in the course of preparing written responses for the Final EIR. The <br /> City carefully reviewed both the comments and the written responses to assess whether they <br /> constituted new information that would require recirculation of the Draft EIR under the standards <br /> in CEQA Guidelines section 15088.5. After such review,the City determined that the Final EIR, <br /> including the comments, clarifications and minor corrections to the Draft EIR,do not constitute <br /> significant new information requiring recirculation of the Draft EIR; and <br /> WHEREAS, a staff report, dated June 18, 2015 and incorporated herein by reference, <br /> described and analyzed the Draft and Final EIRs for the Planning Commission; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report, and the Draft and Final <br /> EIRs at a noticed public hearing on June 18,2015 at which time all interested parties had the <br /> opportunity to be heard. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted <br />