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WHEREAS,the City Council held a noticed public hearing on the General Plan <br /> amendment on July 20, 2015, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council considered the certified EIR and all above-referenced <br /> reports,recommendations and testimony prior to taking action on the General Plan amendment. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the above recitals are true and correct <br /> and made a part of this resolution. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves the amendment of <br /> the General Plan land use map as shown in Attachment 1,based on the following findings and <br /> considering the staff report and the whole of the record related to the Project: <br /> 1. The General Plan amendment is in the public interest in that it will provide new <br /> opportunities for additional housing, consistent with the General Plan Housing Element and will <br /> improve economic access to housing in the City through a density that will allow a range of <br /> housing types and prices. More specifically,the proposed General Plan land use map amendment <br /> will provide a mix of residential development types at the Shoreline, including single-family <br /> homes, and multi-family residences such as condominiums and townhomes. The City's Zoning <br /> Code will require inclusionary housing(affordable units)within the development. The General <br /> Plan land use map amendment will provide new housing in portions of the nine-hole golf course <br /> that are underutilized by shortening some of the holes on the course, however,there will be no <br /> reduction in the number of holes. The future residential sites will be adequately served with <br /> infrastructure, access and road capacity. The sites are not constrained by freeway or railroad. With <br /> proper site planning and design,the sites would have no conflict with the golf course;thus the <br /> public-owned land can be developed to a better and higher use. In fact,the golf course architect <br /> and the architect for the proposed project have stated that it is a current practice and a typical <br /> standard to incorporate residential uses when master planning a golf course. In today's housing <br /> market, it is desirable to reside adjacent to a golf course. <br /> 2. The amendment will not render the General Plan internally inconsistent in that the <br /> amendment is consistent with and supports General Plan goals 3 and 9 and related policies and <br /> actions, including existing policies for development and enhancement of the Marina and also <br /> Housing Element policies to increase housing opportunities in the City. Table 4.9-1 in the Draft <br /> EIR assessed Project consistency with the General Plan and identified no inconsistencies. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect thirty days after the <br /> date of adoption. <br /> ***** <br /> RESOLUTION NO.2015-126 3 <br />