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File Number: 15-418 <br />requisite notices regarding the conduct of a public hearing to lien delinquent accounts. <br />Property owners with sidewalk repairs, CUPA fees and community compliance code <br />enforcement charges were sent an initial invoice. Statements with overdue amounts are then <br />sent monthly. The June and July statements included lien information and the public hearing <br />date. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />The City Council conducts a public hearing to lien delinquent accounts annually. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The meeting and public hearing have been properly noticed in accordance with State law. <br />A notice of the public hearing was sent to all property owners in accordance with the <br />provisions of the Municipal Code. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The City will eventually collect the entire amount delinquent less any collection fees charged <br />by the Alameda County Tax Collector. The total amount of fees and charges submitted for <br />liens is as follows: <br />Type Amount # of Accounts <br />Business License Tax $92,767.68 167 <br />Solid Waste Service Charges $31,147.52 96 <br />Sidewalk Repairs $3,246.98 3 <br />CUPA Fees $913.27 1 <br />Community Code <br />Compliance Charges $1,952.64 6 <br />Total Liens for 2015-16 $130,028.09 273 <br />Budget Authority <br />The City of San Leandro Charter <br />Attachments <br />Listing of delinquent accounts as of July 20, 2015 <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends City Council approval of the Resolution Overruling Protests and the <br />Resolution Imposing Liens for non-payment of delinquent 2015 business license tax, solid <br />waste service charges, sidewalk repairs, CUPA fees, and community compliance code <br />enforcement charges in order to collect the amounts due on the applicable fiscal year 2015-16 <br />Alameda County secured property tax bills. <br />PREPARED BY: David Baum, Finance Director <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/14/2015